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Give and get support around quitting


Help please

I havent been on this web site in a very long time. I quit july 20th and I've been doing really well, I never really want to smoke until now. I don't know why but I have so much anxiety, I feel like I just need something to take the edge off. I'm extremely stressed and not myself and I really think that my quit is in danger because of this. Any advice please, I really dont want to smoke.
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8 Replies

Dont let the addiction take over!!!!! Hang on. Please....You've gone longer than me. I really wanted to today but remembered that I dont smoke and am addicted. Really simple. But not easy sometimes!
I have been quit for 1 Month, 2 Weeks, 20 hours, 40 minutes and 38 seconds (44 days). I have saved $224.30 by not smoking 897 cigarettes. I have saved 3 Days, 2 hours and 45 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 9/11/2008 12:00 AM
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Hey Shanna! I'm in the process of quitting and I know what you mean - the wound-up tense anxious feeling that goes with quitting - it's a pain.

I know it sounds really simple, but focus on your breathing. A large part of feeling anxious and tense is the way you breathe and hold the muscles of your upper body - if you take long, focused deep breaths, and relax your shoulders and neck muscles, it really, really helps relieve the tension. You're basically fooling your brain into thinking you are relaxed!

Also, make sure you have something to do to relieve tension in your life - sports, computer games, ranting on the phone to a friend - make use of anything and everything you can to make sure you kick that tension in the backside. Excercise will help burn off a lot of the latent energy.

And don't worry, my comment is only one of the thousands of responses you are going to get here - you did the right thing by joining this site - everyone here is positive and supportive. Good luck! 🙂
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Hey Kiddo! I have been thinking about you and sure enough, here you are! Shanna, I have relapsed after about 3 and a half months (see blogs on my page). Smoking doesn't help anxiety, for that matter it only worsens it. Starting from square one again, is much harder than I anticipated and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Remember that this is a psychological addiction. My suggestion to you is to watch some videos on either or . Also, think of alternative ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Perhaps write a gratitude list -- 1st thing in the morning wake up and add one plus that you have received from the benefits of being a non-smoker. Focus on that one thing for the day! Perhaps it could be an affirmation that you could repeat as the day goes on. Also, there is a free meditation on that you can do right on the computer, which takes only about 10 minutes. Another possibility is to write in a journal. It's amazing how much we can learn about ourselves when we write! You've got pep in your step -- use it to your advantage -- do some speed walking or jogging while repeating a positive affirmation in your mind, such as, "I am a happy, healthy non-smoker." Protect your quit Shanna, at all costs! You are a winner -- another affirmation -- "I am a winner!" I hope that this may help you dear one!! Big hugs to you Shanna and remember that there will always be good days and bad days, regardless of whether you smoke or not.
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Do you really think having a cigarette is gonna relieve your stress? Then go to Relapse Traps and read the posts there....especially the Stress Trap and Replay the Relapse. At the moment you're free. The minute you put that piece of rolled up chopped tobacco in your mouth you've allowed yourself to become a slave again. You've re-activated the pathways in your brain and all you will be doing from then on is thinking about a cigarette.

You've come such a beautifully long way on your journey here. The little cilia in your lungs have been doing their cleaning job happily. Don't paralyze them again by smoking.

Don't let it fool you - smoking is not a stress beater. The stress will still be there, even after that cigarette.
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You can get through this!!! Try keeping your mind off it - go for a walk/jog, pick up a magazine or book, anything but don't smoke! You've come this far already!! Think of all the days you've made it thus far!! You will feel worse if you have one than you do right now. Stay Strong!! I'm here if you need anything.
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Hun I totally understand. I am going thru stuff right now too. But smoking is not going to help any. For me it will not bring my Mimi back and make her well. All it will do is hurt you and after you smoke that cig you will feel guilty for smoking and have to have another. See it will be a never ending circle. Take a deep breath and go do something that helps you relax. Like a long bubble bath or something. You will feel better and be proud that you didn't smoke. You can do it. Just don't let any excuse let you smoke. I know it is easier said than done. Like I said I was having a hard time. It is getting easier everyday tho. You can do it just believe in yourself.
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Any time you quit any form of addiction, you are going to be subjected to temptation. I am going into my 183rd day of being free of this nasty habit, and I was experiencing tempation the other day. It is a feeling that comes, and it is a feeling that goes. The trick is knowing what to do when you are in that feeling in order to get thru it. Think positive thoughts, and find a avenue that will help you get thru the temptation. You can do it!!! Also, remember and never forget that we are all here for you and we are only a typewritten word away....
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Hang in there, keep reminding yourself why you choose to quit. You can beat this. Try to satisfy this urge with something that you would normally not do. I found the Crystal Light beverages are good and because I am usually a coffee, tea and water drinker I find that something sweet or just different can help to satisfy he urge. Get up and do some light exercises for a few minutes that seems to help to get rid of the temptation at that moment. Just know that you can beat this and you have control!
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