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Give and get support around quitting


Help all my friends smoke!

I work in Casino, and not only is this a smokey environment, but a large majority of the employees smoke as well. I used to be the who said to a new person"Do you smoke" and if they said no I told them "well if you stay here you will". That makes me feel awfull now. I always liked smoking and never wanted to quit, even though I did try several times. Like Dr. Phil Says you have to truly want to quit.. Now that I have made the commitment to quit I feel very angry and alone though. There were several of my co-workers who were going to quit with me, but they backed out. also my best friend is a chain smoker, never a problem before, now I can't even be around her till I have a handle on this b/c she thinks it's silly. I have tried to find ways to replace my friends at work who smoke, like I hide in the non-smoking break room and read. But it is very hard. Does anyone else have this problem?
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It IS hard... I work in a bar - 6 days/nights a week. You just have to really wanna. The work of quitting is just never going to be followed through by someone whose heart and soul doesn't depend on their quit. It's just too hard. You have to want it more than anything else at the moment because the will gets tested. It sounds like you really do want this, so now you have to find a way to deal with these obstacles. I think it's fair to say the majority of us don't find the kind of support we need in our quits out in the 3D world... that's why you find us here. We ALL understand, and we're all here for you.
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