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Give and get support around quitting


Help - Former Party-Girl that needs to kick the last bad habit!

Reformed & Former Party-Girl that needs to kick the last bad habit!  My husband gave me an ultimatum; quote smoking for no sex for you. He says it time for me to grow up.   I do want to quit for myself and to increase my chances of having a baby.   

Quitting SUCKS! It’s tough. The last time I quit I gained 20 pounds and refuse to let that happen again!  My biggest issue is that my husband smokes too (My hubby is the occasional smoker who can pick it and put it down with out issue.)  The other "trigger" in environment is that my 73 dad lives with us and he smokes 2 packs per day. 

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10 Replies

but this is what I am talking about this was in a group discussion and no one knew about it until I commented on it. this concerns me this person was legitly seeking help. and no one knew. People just passed right by it and these are the kinds of post I gravitate towards; sorry. I think you understand what I am thinking and what I am talking about now when I talk about where are the groups and where is at least one person to monitor those groups maybe two because it took me a couple days 3 at the most and I would gladly be one of them and they wouldn't have to be monitored daily. Maybe every 3rd day or once a week.

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