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Give and get support around quitting


Hello, two weeks til my quit date

Hi. I just joined today. I've been looking at quitting for a long time. Have tried and not succeeded several times. The most recent was five days but I gave into the cravings and had that 'just one' smoke. 

I really do want to quit. For myself, my husband, my kids. Its been a while since I 'enjoyed' smoking. i find myself growing more and more agitated when I have that smoke, but I know I can't rush the quit date. I have to make the changes to my habits first. 

This is the first time i've ever joined a group or really sought out any help. I took Zyban once, but that had some rather nasty side effects and I ended up smoking again within a couple days of stopping taking it.

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2 Replies

Hi! I'm Nichole and I just joined today. My quit date t July 28th. Good luck on quitting. I am trying again for my family. My husband really wants us to quit and my son is at that age (4) that he wonders why I need to smoke all the time. I just feel I really need to stay healthy so I can be there for him in the future. Good luck quitting!

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I wish you luck Nichole. I'm sure that with a lot of perserverance and dedication we can both quit this time! I read a book once that said smoking was a lot like brainwashing, we convince ourselves that we enjoy it and that we need it, but really physically the need doesn't last all that long, its just the mental addiction that does. When I smoke now, I talk to myself about it. About what it really tastes like, how I really feel (my lungs for example). Its been a real eye-opener for me. Gem

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