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Give and get support around quitting


Hello! My first day to becoming an EX

Hello! My name is Tanya. Today is my first day without a cigarette. So far so good but it is only 20min till ten. I have been on chantix for a week. This is my second time on chantix and the first time I quit for 2 years and like an idiot I started back up. I'm not even positive on what made me start back up, but I did and now I'm more than ready for the quitting journey again. I would love to meet new friends and supporters. My family isn't all to excited about this since I've quit and started up before so they don't seem to believe in me. I'm still trying to figure this site out so bare with me. I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

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2 Replies

Hi Tanya.  My name is Kathy, and I am not doing as well as I feel I should be doing with my quitting.  I have tried Chantix in the past, and did not have very good results with it, it made me very depressed and angry.  Thankfully, my family pointed out my mood issues, and took myself off of it before I got to bad.  I also would love to meet new friends and fellow quitters.  Maybe this is the puzzle piece that I have been missing to actually succeed.  Hope you have a great day!

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Hi Tanya, 

I too quit for over 2 years but started back and yes i felt like an idiot. Nevermind what your family thinks! They obviously don't understand how hard this is but you can prove them wrong by proving to YOURSELF (not anyone else) that you can do this. Today is day 15 for me and is the first day i am not taking any NTR's. I want to put a patch on real bad or chew on a piece of Nicorette come but not gonna do it. It's time to get off the nicotine once and for all. At least it's not even as bad as quitting cold turkey. Hey, If I can do this YOU can do this. Hang in there, it gets better 

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