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Heading to a 4th of July party ...... help

Any tips, tricks or pointers for mixing in a mainly smoking group in an outdoor setting, like this coming 4th of July? My partner says he'd watch when I was a smoker and I seemed to be more of a social smoker. if someone lighted up, I did too. It was somthing I'd never considered. I thought of myself as a stress smoker. I've been smoke free for several weeks now but seldom am around smokers and never for more than a couple of minutes "passing thru" on my way to somewhere else. Tomorrow will be way different... I"ll be hanging out for several hours with a group of friends I don't see but a few times a year for summer parties. I really want to go, but I am really a little wary.
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9 Replies

Hi Reenie,
I'll take some of the sunflower seeds, too many jelly beans and I'll be the jelly bean blimp.. I'm already heading to becoming the sunflower seed blimp but I think that'll take longer lol

I'm making peach jet tea smoothies,
I think I'll allow myself tomorrow as an offical pig out day! I've not had one of those since Thanksgiving
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Hey, Peachy....Be wary...but BE !!! Don't put your addiction before your friends !!! These gatherings are important to us as people. Just keep telling yourself how much better everyting tastes and smells...after a few weeks, your sense of taste and smell is coming back !!!

Oh - and when someone lites up a smoke, stand're going to be REALLY surprised how nasty it smells !!

You're an EX now...I'm still carrying around my drinking straw (fake cig)...I don't care if I look stupid; it makes me comfortable !!! EX's don't smoke...All the hard work you've done is worth it; I don't know about you, but I don't want to start over !!!

Be HAPPY...You QUIT !!!! Woo-Hoo !!!!! Now enjoy life !!!!
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Hi Peach, I completely agree with everything CarlieM just posted. Don't give your nicotine addiction any more won the power back when you quit smoking...REMEMBER?! So, just say 'I'm a non-smoker', see how good that feels and I do believe that some people will be a bit jealous of the fact that you actually quit. So, remember all the nasty stuff that you don't want in your life and all that is associated with smoking and don't hand your quit back over.....take a few little things, like, jelly beans, or gum or something to keep in your mouth while your around your smoking friends. BUT GO AND HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!
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Dear Just Peachy, Whatever works....sunflower seeds are too small for me, I kind of pig out on anything sweet, I always have. I did gain a few pounds over the last few weeks but it's gradually, (ounces at a time), coming back off. I did rededicate myself to my gym and yoga. I always went to my yoga classes but over the last 7 weeks started ignoring the treadmill/bike/and workout machines. So, I'm now back to that again and it feels really good. So, do what you will as you need to do it, it will all sort itself out later. For now, focus on being and remaining a non-smoker. Good luck and best wishes.
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Hi Just Peachy,
Here is what you could focus on while you are there:

Those people will be smoking because they HAVE TO feed their addictions. As smokers, they do not have a choice. Do you remember what that was like? I sure do!!!! I had to have a cig every 1/2hr or hr. or go into withdrawals. You have made the choice to get healthy and enjoy all the benefits and freedom that go with that choice. But, unfortunately, we have to feel a little, what is it?, uneasiness? Maybe you could look at them with compassion and be proud that by setting a good example, you may help them as well. WE CAN DO IT!

Enjoy your freedom, stay busy, and have a super smoke-free 4th!
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Hey Peach,
There isn't a smoker alive who doesn't want to quit. You'll be the envy of the group - even if they never say so. Who in their right mind would like to burn $5 bills every day of their life??? Who wants to smell like that? Just be aware that there will be those who subconsciously would love to see you break your success... so stay strong.

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Hi Just Peachy!

If I was you, I'd do my best to stand with a non-smoker. If the smoke bothers you, move to another spot. If it becomes to intolerable then go take a walk and with every single step repeat, "Smoking is not an option!" Also put a rubber band on your wrist and give a good snapping thwaaaaaaaack if your mind starts playing the "just one game!" Fight it also with NO, "not one!" Hope this isn't too late and that it may help! happy fourth of july to you -- stay peachy now will ya? 🙂
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Wow What a fun day everyone had!!!!

Ok first I apoligise ( where IS teh spell checker??) for not getting back here until today.

We left home a little late, I made deviled eggs. I have chickens and was using some farm fresh eggs. The store bought white eggs always were easy to peal and I set up the eggs the night before like I laways do. Not ONE of the 4 doz.. ok MAYBE 3-4.. pealed easy so we were late leaving. Looks are great part of how good deviled taste and here I was with apxomently 90 white egg haves all pitted and looking like moon rocks instead of the smooth surface you'd expect to see. I ripped apart a head of iceberg letuce and nestled those alien puppies in amognst the torn lettuce leaves. Worked like a charm! the whole platter looked sooo cute. David found a long narrow box so I would'nt have to smoosh the top with Glad wrap.
We get there ( i'm fretting as I made us almost 45 minutes late) and no one is there...
At least no one was outside. Turns out the rain that morning put a big damper and over 1/2 the people decided it was too cold to show up so the hostess set up the fixings they did have inside. That platter of 96 deviled eggs over powered the table.
Wasn't long tho and everyone started showing up anyway.
I spent most of my free time holding a 2 month old baby who was 6 weeks premie.

I had a great time. I thought maybe others smoking would smell nasty.. OR I'd want to light right up with everyone but I didn't have any challanges like that. When I wasn't keeping the baby away from the smokers, I was in among my friends, Yep several wished they wer non- smokers. It was odd, I enjoyed thier smoke and kinda watched myself the past 3 days but never wanted to light up.

I did want to light up at one point so much I had to leave the group and go do something else.. I went and ate some more. It was when I was watching the black powder shooting. Something about the smell of the gun powder just gave me the jones like no tomorrow!.

At the end of the day, after the kids set of fthe fire works, we had the traditional campfire with songs and stories. I even had my first Smore!! OH YUM.. I have a new addiction.. smores, ummmmmmmmm.

The deviled eggs? When I went in to help clean up , there were only 4 left!

It was a great time and I have you guys here to thank.. I almost didn't go, thinking I was
too new" at being a non- smoker.

Thanks guys
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Good God Almighty! I'm starved after reading all that -- ROFLMAO! All I have is measley carrot sticks...heh heh -- So glad you had a great time and stayed as strong as you are! Please send some food to me will ya?
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