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Has anyone used CBD oil in their journey of quitting?

I have read a few articles online that claim CBD oil helps aid in quitting smoking. I have never used CBD oil of any type but know people who have. Some love it and some didn’t see any difference for what they were using it for. I’m all for trying it out and adding another regimen to my journey of quitting but I wanna hear some success stories of using it. If you have used it and it helped, what brands and levels did you use? How did you incorporate it? I’m not too entirely ready to go straight into the “typical” medications to quit so I’m just looking for some natural ways to help!

7 Replies
Not applicable

Breathing techniques help . 

Having a quit kit helps ( ideas in best of Ex ) ie a straw cut in thirds . 

Support helps .  

The 5 Ds are useful tools . They are : Distract , delay , discuss , deep breathes , drink water and of course #6 Don't smoke . 

Knowing what HALT means helps :  hungry , angry , lonely , or tired. Managing those things can help manage the craves.

Cinnamon helps . Oranges cut craves , lemon , even salt on the tip of your tongue if you don't have high blood pressure 

Music helps . 

Posting before you smoke helps . 

Walking is a HUGE help . HUGE help . 

Exersise .

Quit mantras help ( again check out best of Ex ) Quit quips . 

Remember you are healing from an addiction . Don't substitute one addiction for another .

Your question about CBC oil I can't answer . I've just shared above some of the natural ways that I used to help quit . I quit CT . 

There is not a more powerful help aide to quit smoking than having support  behind you along with your own willingness to put the effort into your quit and a goal to get the job done .

Lastly determination , persistence and patience are helpful . One day at a time . 

Congrats on choosing to be freed . 

We are here for each other to lean on and to help each other through . 

Being addiction free rocks ! Welcome to the Ex . 


Hi and Welcome to Ex’s Jenntee058 

I didn’t use CBD to quit smoking.  I planned for my quit at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX then I educated myself on addiction and quitting.  I came here for support and to encourage others on this journey.  I hope you take the step and quit smoking and keep close to our site.  We are here to help you...Colleen 555 DOF 


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your decision to quit.  I've seen articles, but don't know anyone who used CBD oil to quit.  If you decide on using an aid (there's many to choose from) remember they help with your quit, but you still have to do the work.  So having a quit plan really helps.

Stay close.



Welcome and please know this is - YOUR choice and YOUR decision - I have NEVER heard of it -  I am hoping you will STAY with us and choose a NON SMOKER life style


My son swears by CBD oil for his anxiety.  He says it helps slow down his brain so that things don't get too big.  I get that.  Some CBD oils can test you positive for THC if you are in a job field where you get tested.  If not, no worries   The difference for some is that they actually have a history of smoking THC so the CBD oil is less effective.  Hope that answers some of your question.  You may want to ask your doctor as well.  They may have some facts I don't have.  I wish you the very best!!  



I have tried CDB oils, different varieties for anxiety and as sleep aides.  None helped.

I strongly believe Charlotte's web, (otherwise called the "King of CBD oils" developed by a dad for his little girl with seizures no doctor or other medicine had helped), gave my puppy girl Shih Tzu at least an additional year; it helped her immune system fight the cancer, and she lived way beyond any expectations different vets gave us. 

Never smoked THC, but when I took an oil which was a combo of CBD and THC, it made my heart speed like crazy, I felt totally disconnected, nauseous, and nowhere near calmer, or ready to go to bed.  Actually my son spent almost one hour with me on the phone, until most of the effects worn off.  It was an experience not worth repeating.

Some of you might laugh and tell me that is what being high means, but if that is what high is doing to you, not interested thank you, ever.

Deep breathing was my own "high" during the first weeks of quitting; it still is when stress is hitting me hard, also when I enjoy a moment.  It is incredible what a similar effect smoking and deep breathing have; I wonder if the "high" from the cigarette was not entirely due to the deep breath I took when inhaling the smoke   one can wonder...

Sorry this is taking a long time, but one more thing to consider; as a new "remedy" on the market, not controlled, not properly evaluated by any qualified organization, one can never be too cautious regarding what we put in our body.  Of course we did that with cigarettes, but we all recognize the lack of proper judgement when we started, then we were addicts and it took a while to "wake up".  If you plan on using it to help with the quit, make sure you are buying from a reputable source.

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I use CBD oil for anxiety, when I have bipolar manic side, depression, and I used it while quitting. I used the one that you don't smoke, they're used by putting a drops under your tongue. I didn't/don't need a full dropper by any means but I can regulate by the number of drops I use.  Real, quality CBD has absolutely NO THC.  It cannot get you high and won't pop you on drug tests because of that very reason.  Too many people think that getting a bottle at the drug store, gas station, or vape shop means they get food quality drops.  They're usually unsafe.  Everyone has their own opinion of CBD and the style of their own quit and will support you with knowledge of their strategies.  My style happened to be Chantix and CBD. I hope I helped a little.  It's your quit and I always say "whatever works".