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Has anyone relapsed after a 5+ year quit?

Hey long term quitters! Have you ever been a long term quitter. But relapsed after about 5 years for example?

I'm not saying I have...hell no. Just curious!

12 Replies

I have not, but have read stories of folks who did.  It usually involves alcohol or significant life trauma.  As addicts to nicotine, romancing that one good cigarette never leaves us, and in truly awful times, it's possible to fall victim to those thoughts as our defenses are down.  There are some folks, too, who never learned the "never such a thing as just one to an addict" lesson, and thus think it is possible to do it without consequence.

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Not applicable

I think it would be safe to say , some  have had possibly a thought .. maybe even a strong thought after five years quit from my experience being ten years on a quit site  . I had a very scary moment ( a day of it ) at eight years quit .  It is generally the ones who leave in silence that generally have come back and want to start over . I think those long term quitters fear to put their struggle on line , for whatever reason . Shame , anger at themselves , protecting newbies . 

I always believe honesty is the best policy . If someone is struggling anytime it's best to open up and reach out . It may even give newcomers the boost they need . Addiction is real and we need to keep it honest to best help .. That's my opinion . 

For those painting a pretty picture but suffering in silencedont . We should always be here for each other . No division . 


Sorry to say, I relapsed after a three year quit.


Not known such relapse after few years... I am sure few might have relapsed for one or the other reason.

It is important to remember NOPE, use all arms and ammunitions used during quitting time, in case some one feels going back on old roads just for the sake of it !!!

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I know people who have relapsed after 10 years.  Had no connection the Ex. 


I unfortunately relapsed after 8 years quit, was told I had “mild” COPD, scared me into quitting but not staying quit. I also battle “severe depression “ and after a series of depression stints. I forgot about my “mild” COPD started smoking again for two years. Went back to my pulmonologist and he said congratulations your “mild” COPD has now progressed to “MODERATE “ COPD. Continue smoking and you are going to suffocate yourself. So I’ve started over again. This quit is harder than the first 


Yes unfortunately it happens I have an older sister that had been quit for 7 years then decided to have one once in awhile and before long she was back smoking full time at the time I was still a smoker anyway I think that's why I push vigilance as often as I do ~ PLUS ~ N.E.F ~ Never Ever Forget ~ Let's always remember how horrendous it was in those early days and weeks of quitting smoking, thanks for posting this question......


I did after 2 plus years - if I had not, I would be the senior member of this group (to the best of my knowledge) but here I am - 6.5 years plus or minus - surviving a pandemic and a snow storm with no feels good!