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Give and get support around quitting


Hard time!

So I had set my quit date for July 7th, then decided to wait another week so I could do the exercise on the ex site to see what my triggers are (which are pretty much everything!) So today was supposed to be my quit day....

I've had a couple today, because I honestly had forgotten that today was the day. We've been house hunting, and wedding planning, and my best friend and mom both had birthdays last week. On top of that, my son was just getting over a sinus infection. In the midst of all of this, I ended up getting sick (I thought just bronchitis, and for some reason through all of the coughing, I still smoked!). I spent 3 hours in urgent care on Saturday getting breathing treatments, taking x-rays, etc. to learn I have "asthma-like symptoms" and fluid in my lungs, but it's not pneumonia.

So when I remembered today is supposed to be my quit day anyway, I decided for the sake of my lungs to at least try to cut out as many cigarettes as possible. So far I've been at work for 4 hours, and haven't taken a smoke break yet! I just have myself so scared right now that at 25 years old I might have some kind of smoking-related illness. Plus I know in my heart that quitting would make a healthier environment for my son and set a better's damn hard, though! Especially since they put me on a steroid for the lung inflammation, and it's kind of making me bitchy.

What a week!
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2 Replies

Kristen - I've changed my quit date 3 times since joining a month ago! If you can comfortably cut out smokes, for now - it seems to me that you're doing pretty good, given all the life-stresses you've got right now. What I'm saying is please don't feel badly about your abiility to quit, if now just doesn't work out. Sometimes, it doesn't. Cut yourself some slack!

Oh - and I've had the same virus or whatever you've got. The best thing my doc did, was give me a prescription for an albuterol inhaler. It's to help clear the same kind of coughing/fluid situation in my lungs... and it going to be a lot of help to me on/after my NEXT upcoming quit date: Friday.

Count your successes and forgive yourself for being addicted. This is helping me a LOT, by not making the quit such a big deal - therefore, lowering the risk of absolute total "failure" if I can't do this absolutely by the "book".
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I've changed my quit dates several times in the past as well as have successfully quit several times for up to 3 years at once! I just quit last week July 7th got up had the last couple of smokes from my last pack. Went to the store for some patches and put one on and it's been HELL since! but at the same time I've been smoke free.. There always going to be an excuse or some stress to have a smoke but the sooner you can commit the better you'll be.. Try to avoid as many triggers as possible and the easier they will be to face the longer you don't have a smoke..
having a lung infection now sounds like great motivation to try for a completely some free day!
Good Luck...remember no matter time of day/night someone is always online around this place to help!
Good Luck!
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