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Had a weird dream.

My quit date is technically today it's 1am. I woke up just a little while ago. Im excited and scared for my quit. The dream I just had was strange. I was walking through some strange place outside and seen a car and I thought "oh I should get that car for my brother." I kept walking and I ran into a girl I know and she owns the car. I asked if I could buy it she said yeah. So now im walking back to the car with my brother to show him . We get there and it's not a car. It's a huge old timey clock, it was beautiful but I was scared of it too for some reason . I wanted to buy it but it was too heavy and big for me.  Idk but I thought about that dream and I think my subconscious is trying to tell me I can't quit. The clock representing the approaching time of my quit. I thought it was beautiful but also scary and I wanted it but it was too big. Weird eh? Lol I still feel fairly confident about quitting I know want to.

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10 Replies

Smoke mere, sorta, lol.

Welcome...hope your doing okay  Rest a lot. I was a zombie my first week and a half....truly. Not a drip on energy.

Get plenty of will help you detox quicker and possible give you a bit of energy.  Proud of you!