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Give and get support around quitting


Had a questionable cat scan of my lungs

After my cat scan in December I decided to quit.  I've cut back to about 3 cigarettes a day and set a quit date of 1/31.  Found this website 11 days before my quit date.  I need another scan at the end of March--and I'm scared.  Hopefully this website will help me during the tough times.  I'm not sure how to use this site. I need friends to talk to on this site to keep me from slipping.  Is there a chat room that is always on line to actually chat with someone when I get an urge to smoke?

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2 Replies

I wish it were that easy, sad.  A live chat-room would probably be a good idea, but for now you can post a blog about what your going through and while your waiting for comments to arrive just check out other people's blogs.  That's what I do.  I joined this site on Monday and Saturday, Jan. 23rd is my quit date.  It's taken me a couple of days, but this site has really motivated me.  I've been wanting to quit for months but haven't been able to get it together.  I just keep falling into the same old routine.  But I've gotten up enough courage to set a real date and stick to it this time!

I'm sorry to hear about your cat scan but don't worry about it until there's actually something to worry about.  It doesn't sound like they diagnosed anything yet.

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I just joined today.  Just on the tracking phase.  I know how you feel.  Seems that we all thought we were invincible and that the warnings coming at us from everywhere didn't really apply to us.  I had a "questionable spot" too with moderate emphazema (I should probably learn how to spell that word) back in November.   My doctor told me that it's seen pretty much in everyone who smokes on a CT scan and recommended an MRI. 

My spot was found during a heart attack when they took an emergency thoracic CT.  It was my wakeup call also.  I just have to believe that by living the four virtues things - reverence for all life, sincerity, gentleness and service - all will be fine.  I woke up this morning and realized that although being vegan for 20 years that my smoking was not in line with the four virtues at all.  I have no reverence for my own temple.  And no sincerity in believing it is all right to smoke.

So today I have taken a good look at what my life has really been all about, am ready to make changes and now I ask you with sincerity, how can I serve?  Feel free to call upon me if you need to.  I will pray for good news at your next imaging.

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