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Give and get support around quitting



Guys, I need some bolstering. It's been almost four days, and I wasn't expecting this, but today has been the hardest. I also happen to be mad as hell about something, so that's not helping.
My health and money were the main reasons I chose to quit, but right now they don't seem worth it to me.
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12 Replies

Kris - I know it is tough. I'm having problems too and it is over 1 week for me. My jaw feels like it stays clenched all the time; I can feel the tightness in my whole body. And the thoughts of wanting a cigarette seem to just be constant. I feel like giving up myself. But DON"T. I won't - if you won't. I'm counting to 20 every time I get the urge that seems to help a bit. American Cancer Society says that the urge is countable. I also carry a bottle of water or tea with me and every time I want to smoke, I take a sip. I have hard candies (which I'm sick of by now) and gum (also tired of that)....No one single thing works because I am on Buproprion - which does help with the emotional side of quitting. If you are not on any medication, check with your doctor for your optionsl....

Please - hang in there. And if you fall (I did) - just move on and keep going.

I'm here if you want to chat some more......

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Thanks so much, Andrea!! Have you seen the video on the Forum...thanks, tobacco, you killed my mom? Man of Steele sent it to me, and it was powerful!! i can't tell you how much it helps to talk to someone who gets it!! My boyfriend is really helpful, but he also hasn't gone through it before...but thankfully, he doesn't smoke.
Counting to 20 sounds like a great idea--and I use water, too, and it's a lifesaver!!!
The vdeo helped and it's still hard, but i feel like i can MOVE again, you know? And thankfully, I didn't slip.
Let's stay in touch!! I'll add ya as a friend!!
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Yes - I did see that video. Pretty grim and actually, a friend of mine's mother just passed away from cancer (she was 56) and my closest friend in the world had a major coronary 2 years ago (she was 54). Actually, up to my best friend's death (and she was a lifelong smoker - and in not so good shape), I had been quit for 6 years and it felt great being a non-smoker. No longer a social outcast, standing outside restaurants; no worries about being in a meeting that goes on forever and wanting to smoke; no stress at enclosed spaces and having to walk outside; no smell; and of course, there's the amazing health benefits. It was only when Debbie passed away so suddenly that I started smoking again. Pretty ironic all things considered. However, it is now time to give up the really bad habit and get back on the right track. Problem is that this time, it seems to be much harder. But, I know that if I just take this one day at a time, I can do it. Thanks for being there - and I'm really liking this Become an Ex thing - so glad I found the site. Write me anytime! Oh - I also started working out again (after a long, long break)....While painful, it does help because you are moving and not thinking about smoking - plus being out of breath definitely makes you think twice.

Cheers -

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thanks! i have to be honest, i slipped a little bit ago and had two--what an awful feeling!! especially since I made the pledge today. things just got worse with my family and i slipped. at least i know the trigger--i guess all i can do is move on from here, right?? =(
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Yup - that's all you can do - but throw the pack you have away now....That way, if you decide you want to smoke again, then you'll have to buy a new pack. Believe me, you do not know how many times today I've wanted to go buy a pack of cigarettes. I live in a condo in downtown Boston and there is a newstand right next to the building - kind of hard to walk by without wanting a cigarette. Listen Kris - it totally sucks there's no doubt about it. But you can do this....Do you know if you can take any medication?

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Hey Kris - It's not the end of the world if you slipped up. We all do from time to time. Don't beat yourself up about it, just focus on the progress you've made and move on. Whatever you do, don't use it as an excuse to go back to smoking - even if you got so p-o'd that you smoked an entire pack (which I'm sure you didn't).

So hang in there - you've got lots of support here!
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Hey there, thanks! Actually, I bummed from my neighbors--I knew buying the pack would only lead to a complete relapse. That part's hard, cuz they're always outside, but they're sweet, and don't offer unless I ask, because they know I'm trying to quit.
I love Boston! I'm from Long Island myself, so we prolly shouldn't talk about baseball. 🙂
Actually, and this shouldn't discourage you, because I was in a different place then, and wasn't ready, AT ALL, but I have tried welbutrin. And was a stubborn donkey and smoked on it anyway--which I don't receommend because you feel like crap after!!
But right now I'm on the commit lozenges--which have help much more than the patch for me, because I can't actually DO SOMETHING with the cravings.....
Talk to ya, Kris
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Thanks for the support!! Trying to move on from here--and nope, not a whole pack wound up being three--do you think the withdrawal will be just as bad again?? That's what I'm a little nervous about. =( But I still resolve not to go back to it. Totally.
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That's a good question about the withdrawal. For me - the feelings were not as severe but I'm actually wondering if that is because it was starting to be a familiar feeling. And that is what is stopping me right now from going downstairs to the newsstand. I am tired of being in a state of "withdrawal" and the idea that smoking one or two cigarettes is going to keep me there longer - is at least for me - a big deterrent. I'm counting to 20 now as I'm typing this because I've got a difficult work task to complete and I'm wanting a cigarette right now to think through the wording on my document. As we've all said - we've all been through this a number of times now and well, if it were easy - everyone would do it.

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