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Group discussion , virus free

Would anyone be interested in a temporary virus free private group on Ex during this corona virus pandemic ? A group where no talk is allowed about anything related to the pandemic or politics .

A safe place where we can just focus on our quits, quitting smoking and staying quit . If so maybe we could reach out to whoever can arrange that be it Mark ?I'm not sure of your process to start a group , but I know I sure would like a safe virus topic free group . All this talk about the pandemic is providing Nico opportunity I think if we are not careful . I noticed it yesterday and it's having a ripple effect . That concerns me . 

Would anyone else like something like that or just myself .. 

7 Replies

I think u just started it. What would u like to talk about ?

Weather it's yuck here it rained All night .  My Quit  couldn't be Any better. Grandchildren  Oh yes I have 2 Hailee  9 Michael  3. Grandchildren are Better than Children.  Work Nightmare  I work at Walmart.  God is My Life. 


I’m also tired of hearing about it, but I’m also scared of losing my job and not being able to pay my bills!....... I will try....... I’m in!!!!


Maybe not so much a group but a "Topic of the Day" I think would be great  Favorite type of music, Grand Children, You Career, Childhood Hobbies, Go beyond normal like strange events / unexplainable things that happened in your life. I could go on. I think it would be a great way to know each other better and be a good escape for a little

As far as the virus, it is so much part of our life and for myself if I had no outlet to talk about or make light of it at times I would be going crazy.    


I have 4 almost adult children:

Tony 26

Kristina 22

Joey 19

Katie 18

no grandchildren as of yet, probably won’t see any in my lifetime as I’m 62 and they don’t have any SO’s

im divorced, and do construction work.... seemingly in good health except for the COPD and emphysema 


Perhaps a Good News Only group?  Talk about all the uplifting things in life.  The happy heart stuff.   Of course that would naturally relate to the pandemic, because that's what our life IS at the moment, but only happy-ending, nourishing, spiritually uplifting topics would be allowed.  Just a thought.  


I have 3 grandchildren Autumn 15  Skylar 8 and Baby Buck aka Fritz 14 weeks BobKatt22   I also was in construction but due to medical issue stopped working at 59.  Now I do what I can 


I suggested a private group so it doesn't take up space on the discussion thread but open for anyone to join .  Although I know the current world situation it's important to us all and helpful at times to talk about it with friends it's nice to , to be able to escape it and just stay focused on quitting smokIng and staying quit . I'm not wanting to start or manage a group just thought a space like that might be helpful for some . 

Thanks for your responses .