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Give and get support around quitting


Great Ex Quotes...

Please share some of the inspirational, supportive, and just plain funny things you have come across in these pages relating to our quits and addictions. I find that remembering a truth or a funny I have gleamed off the pages I've read and the people I've meet really help when I find myself engulfed in a fury of craves or while I playing alone inside my own head (against all better judgment :). I'll start.
My friend Susan says she is "free and healing" instead of smoke-free. I really like the sound of that.
I read on someone's page that if cigarettes were a person he'd punch them in the face. Ha! Nice.
Anyone else? Come on, I know they're out there... These nuggets really come in handy to have rolling in your head, especially when it seems inhospitable for any other productive thoughts ... (oh, am I projecting? Still waiting for that attention span to stabilize... 🙂
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2 Replies

I remember when I was about 12. My sister's embarrased me sooo badly. I went to my regular drug store and ordered a cup of coffee. I reached into my pocket and took out my cigarettes. I lit one up and I was puffing and puffing but to no avail. I put it out and lit another. Still the same. My face became reddened. I tried again, the same thing. The ashtray full of new butts-but no satisfaction for me. I finally gave up and bought a new pack. I was so happy when I finally got my first drag. My sister's had put pin holes in everyone one of my cigarettes!
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I had a friend who dated a girl that didn't know he smoked. When she found out she asked him "Do you smoke cigarettes?" He replied "Yup" Then she paused a moment and said "So if you had to run for your life you'd be f@*$ed huh"
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