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Give and get support around quitting


Grant me the serenity...

not to lose my mind!

I'm trying this quitting thing once again. My 3rd or 4th attempt in about 12 years. Today is my quit date. I have the patch on so far. Anyway, I am 30 years old. I live in Florida. Um..I'm just trying to get through the first day and came across this site from the tv advertisement I saw. Hopefully I can make some new friends and learn how to do my regular life things without a cigarette in tow....
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4 Replies

Thank you! I need all the support I can get. I'm kinda alone in this and it's hard feeling like I'm the only one...if that makes sense
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yes I do! You are for sure not alone this site is full of great support and tips we are all in the same boat please feel free to drop a line whenever.
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Hey there! I'm 33 and in Fla and I just signed up and started to try this EX thing today. This is MY 4th attempt in the last year to quit. I couldn't help but notice the topic of your post. I'm in a twelve step program myself and while I have a pretty good understanding of addiction how it works EVERYONE at the meetings smokes so it doesn't make quitting cigs very easy. I'm trying the gum myself and I've set my date for 2 wks from now. Hope tomorrow goes a little easier for ya.
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Hey, Javagal...Good Luck to you...this site is so full of support and frendship, you have a very good shot at succeeding at your quit this time !!
Question - have you done the EX program ??? It teaches you SO much, about your triggers, separation from the cigs, etc., if you haven't gone thru the EX program yet, I strongly suggest you do - we are the support system for the program...and we are here you you.
Keep in touch, please...let us know if you have any questions or problems. Come visit my page whenever you like !!!
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