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Give and get support around quitting


Going on week three!!!

Hi, I'm Ryan. I've been smoking for about 8 years. I smoked cigars a few times a year before I started smoking regularly. I started working in a very busy restaurant and eventually I was smoking about a pack plus a day. Although my parents really didn't like me smoking and my grandmother passed away two years ago from lung cancer (metastasized breast cancer, she never smoked) I decided to quit because I just wanted to be free of that crutch mostly. Feeling jittery in a long meeting. Cutting a conversation short because I need another smoke. Plus every other reason anyone could think of. I tried quitting before. First cold turkey, then gum, and finally I think I'm going to kick cigs with patches. I actually feel like it should be harder. I really like the patch. I have had some stressful situations come up and just random situations when I REALLY wanted a cigarette.

I use a few techniques to get my mind off of it. When I first quit I took naps when I started feeling really "out of it." Both my parents never smoked, but both my younger brothers smoke. I never gave them a cigarrete, but I hope if I quit they might give it another try.

Just letting everyone know how far I've come gives me a lot of motivation to prove I can do it. There's only been one person in my life that has reacted negatively towards my quitting. Even most of the people I know who smoke have been really supportive.

Keep trying and remember all the reasons you want to quit smoking!
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7 Replies

Ryan, your post is an inspiration to us all!!!! Three weeks is a longgggg time without a smoke, and to say what you've done is admirable would be an understatement!!

Best wishes for your continuance....

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Great for you ryan.Keep up the good work
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going on week 5 now! and working with all smokers, still hanging in there. It gets easier!
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Congratulations Ryan! 5 weeks is awesome!

The first few weeks are some of the hardest and to make it this far is a great accomplishment. I really like the patches as well and I think they helped me immensely. I have one more week on the patch and am glad that I did the whole cycle, so don't get overconfident and quit them early. I actually used them 2 weeks longer then the program. I was on 21mg for 6 weeks...14mg for 2 and 7mg for 2.

Of course as you probably know by now even with patches or whatever meds a person uses the most important thing is your own desire to quit. None of the products will make you quit and even with using them this is still hard.

I am so happy for you Ryan. Rock the quit!

Susan - Free and Healing for Two Months, Two Days, 14 Hours and 15 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 3 Days and 21 Hours, by avoiding the use of 1127 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $324.76.
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Hi Ryan, I'm 3 weeks on Chantix and smoking only 3 a day now. I need to dump those 3 too! It's habit, it's all about habits and learned traits I need to unlearn. Good luck!!!
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For sure Kim! It's more than a habit first and foremost. It's a nicotine addiction. I'm not sure how chantix works. It inhibits nicotine receptors and stops the "feel good" reinforcement? There's lots of techniques you can use to get around the habit. Like chewing gum, switching routines up (before you quit). Get as much info as you can and read up!
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Thanks. Working in restaurants is very difficult anyway... Lack of personal satisfaction in the work, insulting wages, dealing with people with various forms of addictions... The place I'm at now... EVERYBODY smokes. They're all very supportive so far. There's a small part of me that feels like I'm left out. I tell my coworkers when they're grabbing a smoke I'll go with them and I chew gum instead. I should probably stay away from second-hand, but those little breaks are an important part of working. You learn things, build relationships, and are more a part of the group by doing that. I try to keep up with people in other situations instead most of the time.
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