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Give and get support around quitting


Getting ready to quit. Not quite there

So im getting ready to quit. Mostly because of the pressure from my doctors and family.  I don't want to quit. I love smoking.  Ive smoked since I was 16 and Im now 45.  But im at a family thanksgiving gathering right now, and again, I am the only smoker left.  The same as everywhere else I go in my life.  This part I hate.  Removing myself from the group to smoke.  Grrrrr.  Any advice is appreciated.  Ive been wearing patches and tbey do nothing. Even at the highest level.  I dont know how im going to get iver the cravings!! Which is why I haven't chosen a quit date.  I also have crohns disease.  And they think I will feel TONS of relief of a current flare up if I quit.  Im not even motivated by that.  I have an addictive personality.  Im addictied to a lot of things that aren't good for me.  But this is the worst one. Im so tired of the judgement and disappointment in peoples eyes when I smoke.  Help!!


24 Replies

Make the commitment.   Use this time to education yourself about nicotine addiction and create your quit plan.  There's so much I didn't know and it's been instrumental in my quit.   After I picked a quit date, I signed up for text messages from the Ex.  I received them daily and found them supportive leading up to my quit date.  Many of us haven't had support with our quits--that's what we're here for.  I had to remind myself it's my quit, no one else's.   Take the leap--you have so much to gain.



Wow! This is sooo much information! Thank you. I think my attitude towards the patch in the past was all wrong. I really thought it would just take away all cravings and I wouldnt want to smoke! How ignorant of me of how strong this addiction really is until I've stared down the face of actually trying to quit. It does help to know the craving window is only 3 minutes. And all of these these links and tricks of support are very helpful.

I will continue educating myself everyday and keep updating my progress here. Appreciate the helpful notes! Truly.



We're here for you when you're ready.




I just wanted to share that your suggestion to get the daily texts has kept me engaged in this process and although I haven't set my quit date  yet, it kept me reading articles, tracking using the tools, preparing my support and doing far more than I would have without the text reminders.  Thank you for that powerful tip! I'm close to setting a date now and before I was just dancing with the idea of quitting and not knowing where to start. 

Thank you so much!


I so glad to hear they're helping you. When my phone beeped, I knew it was from the Ex and I looked forward to them.  Not one said this is easy, but you can do it!
