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Give and get support around quitting


Getting Closer ....

Michael, Tanya and I all have the same quit dates and they are coming up really fast. I can honestly say I for one am really looking forward to it. Perhaps I am fortunate because i have a really busy week next week getting ready for a huge yard sale so I am hoping to keep busy with that and my mind off the obvious. I am also looking forward to everything smelling better. Clothes, furniture, my car. I am a huge candle fan and will definately be using them to help with the smell. The only advice I can really give is to go by your "triggers" I have figured out all of mine and have taken the steps needed to disconnect the triggers from my desire to smoke. The small steps really really help, like I used to light up every single time I get in the car, I don't do that anymore, I wait till I get to my destination or back home before I light up. And what the "tips" say about when you feel the desire to smoke wait 5 minutes then wait another 5 minutes, I tried that too and it does work. I think if you set your mind on it like I have, these "tips" do work well !!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US !!! WE CAN DO IT !!!!!
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2 Replies

Good luck!!! My quit date is tomorrow and I'm going between excitement and panic...but definitely going to take it 5 minutes at a time and just get thru it!
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You guys are AWESOME !!!! Today is here and I'm very happy and so glad I saw this commercial on tv so I could become a member of such a great community of support !!!! To all of us that are smoke free today ..... HIP HIP HURRAY !!!!
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