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Give and get support around quitting


Georgia Quitters

I am in Roswell ga and I am looking for locals to help me stop smoking. My wife and family smoke so I can't look to them for support. Please help

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103 Replies

Hope everyone had a wonderful non smoking day today!!! Have a great Friday and a great weekend!



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Yea, same here.  Another beautiful (yet somewhat colder) smokefree day and TGIF.  Doesn't get much better than that!

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ATL Group.  Where did you go?  Where's the support?  Where's the checkin?  OK.  I know you're out there and will report back soon.  Early Saturday AM, headed out shortly, clock turns over to 18 days in 15 minutes.  Stay with us!

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I'm here!!! My computer has been down from friday until late sat night....First time today that I have been able to log on...  I lost my countdown clock!!! Ugh...when I tried to go and create another one - my computer won't let me...I will figure it out soon!!! I am still keeping the quit!!! How is everyone else doing?

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Hope all my Atlanta friends are staying warm and dry this weekend and also enjoying a peaceful quit.

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Hello local friends.  I hope you are all staying with me in our journey to stay smoke free.  I honestly thought I'd be a brand new person at 3 weeks, but it hasn't happened that quickly and honestly is giving me more incentive to stay quit.  If I wait 2 or 3 years from now for my last quit, I may not bounce back at all.  So, today is it and I know I'll come around to feeling the way a non-smoker feels, waking rested and feeling the energy I want and deserve.  So, I will continue what I've started to regain my health, energy and life.  Stay with me!

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Hello my GA non smokers!!!  Happy monday...well almost happy tuesday!

How is everyone doing?

I am at 3 weeks today....the morning time is still rough but I remain committed to not smoke.

Sometimes the thought crossses my mind to go and buy a pack....but I keep my resolve not to smoke.

I will say that physically...I have more energy (am not counting my lack of sleep b/c of me staying up til 1am) but mentally...I am totally not there...One day I will be!

Hope everyone has a great non smoke week!

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Good morning to all. Have just rejoined Ex after a long Hiatus & was unable to access my old profile. Anyway, I'm Mike & have been quit since October 1, 2004. Am anxious to lend a hand to anyone that is serious about their quit. This is not a game. I've watched both parents, other relatives, friends & now my younger sister is in stage 4 & not long for this world. Don't let it happen to you. This only takes a sincere comittment. MAKE IT & practice NOPE. Not One Puff Ever.

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Happy early Wed!!! HOpe everyone is having a great week!!!  

Hope to hear from everyone soon!!!

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Good Morning!!! The sun is over the horizon here in the beautiful big city of Atlanta... geez... can you tell I'm feeling good?  Well, with good reason.  Day 22 Smokefree for me and that is all it takes to feel good!  WOW.  That one little thing can make or break.  Let's welcome aboard our most senior member Mike, a quitter since 2004.  I am so happy you are here with us and look forward to sharing good times ahead.

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