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Give and get support around quitting


General Support

hi tam, I was thinking that the steps will be a big part of my program...stubborn is my middle name
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536 Replies

Hi all, good to see you here. Fri., Dec.4 is my coming quit date ,  45 year smoker.. I've quit before(haven't we all) but this time I am going to make it stick. 

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65 year old female seeks freedom from cigarettes.  Have tried and tried and tried but just can't stay quit.  This addiction is killing me and causing me to be withdrawn from life.  I feel like a pariah!  Feels like smoking IS my life and that's depressing as hell.  I'm scared to quit and scared to keep smoking.  HELP

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if i get in contact with the right person i think i can do this thing. i really hope so i know i can

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if i get in contact with the right person i think i can do this thing. i really hope so i know i can

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I made the choice to quit smoking a while ago but haven't been able to follow through. When I recently tried to quit and I wasn't smoking I felt good, clean and healthy. I want to feel like that everyday but it seems like I buy a pack of smokes before I even think once about quiting. It's an amazing power it has over you. I have been smoking off and on for 11 years. I never thought I would have made such a commitment to it! My brain and body are very important pieces of equipment and I choose to treat them accordingly. I am in charge of my life now not cigarettes or cravings or triggers!

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This is my 3rd quit. The first time I lasted 3 years and the second time was about 3 months. This time will have to succeed because I have no choice. I lost a large part of my paycheck to a wage garnishment while a carton of ciggerettes went up to 60 bucks a week.


it was smoke or drive and even with giving up the smoking I still have to give up my home so as long as I stay poor, I wont smoke. LOL

I am depressed as hell but hard to say which event is the cause.

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I have been smoking marlboro reds since i was 14 years old. It is extremely difficult for me to go a day with out smoking atleast one. Since I am in college all of the stress and drinking adds to my need for cigarettes. Once the winter came this year I started spitting blood in the mornings and decided that I needed to quit for the sake of my health. The worst part is I enjoy smoking cigarettes and it is hard for me to come around.

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I am so incredibly happy I found this sight! It amazes me that I convinced myself to use similar tactics to quit before I found this place! I know that most addictions are just as much habit as they are a physical need for a drug so I tried to trick myself out of habits. I thought I was crazy at first! I have not actually quit yet, I am on the last week of my "habit breakdown" as I was calling it. I am relieved to see that my crazy ideas are not so crazy and other people actually do this! I started by not having a cig with coffee, meals, etc... then in the car, house...while cutting back severely and didn't even realize there was actually a program! I was becoming very scared because I keep getting the feeling that I wont be able to quit, the fewer and fewer cigarettes I am allowing myself have make me want to smoke more. I am really weird about taking nicotine gum, patches or what have you... My roommate is using Chantix. I know it is silly since I spent so long smoking chemicals and tar but I don’t want to use a pill or a patch to quit. I want to think that I can do it "on my own" so to say... or naturally? I guess. Anyways. I think this site is excellent. It will give me something to do when I think I want a cigarette. Looking forward to sharing my "day one, two three..." I will let you know when I get there.

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Hi, just joined here today

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Hi im 21 years old and i have been smoking for a while. of course what made me start was friends, as many other people im sure had that happen. I have succesfully quit smoking 2 times and failed once,  my first time was in high school I quit smoking because i was getting scared that i would get caught smoking in the bathroom that lasted for about 2 years. Then my secound time of quitting smoking was when i found out i was pregnant with my 15 month old son. I just threw them down, and didnt pick up another one until about a month or two after i had him. Then i found out i was pregnant with my secound child who is 4 months old, and i tried throughout the whole entire pregnancy to quit, but never succesfully did. This last time that im trying to quit, im doing it for my health, for my kids sakes, and for my entire family. I just really need help.. Plus the smell of smoke is starting to drive me insane. you know how you get out of shower and you smell so fresh and clean, then you smoke and your hair, your hands, just everything smells like smoke. I just pray i can quit this time. i really need support for my sons sakes, and my own health. any suggestions please let me know

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