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Give and get support around quitting


General Support

hi tam, I was thinking that the steps will be a big part of my program...stubborn is my middle name
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536 Replies

Day 17.  I am into my third week and I am feeling anxious and moody.  I know it is part of the icky 3's.  Last week I felt so strong and positive, this week not so much.  Has anybody else had this?  I am not giving up just trying to muddle through.  I feel very alone at times as most if not all of my friends/family smoke.  I know I will feel better on the other side of this hill just frustrated.  Needed my friends at become an ex to help me through.


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One day at a time 🙂

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Hi i am not a new quitter. But that's really good that you have quitted smoking.

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Hi everybody! Just joined the group after a very nice note from Carol. I am on day 47 and using patches. I smoked for nearly 45 years and I MUST make my quit stick this time; I've got grandkids to help raise...;-). Everyone hang in there; we can do it and we are not alone!

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...Well I just joined this ex website a week or so ago, my quit date is in ten days and I am doing everything I can to prepare... I am nervous.

I am 23 years old and have been smoking for just over five years, I literally started smoking a pack a day from the day after my first cigarette and then moved to almost two packs a day. It was all fine and dandy at first but already at my age I have some minor health issues and it made me realize that I can eat organic and healthy all I want but it is worth nothing if I can't put my cigarette down.

this seemingly simple addiction (or so I thought) is in the drivers seat of my body and I want the control back... More then half the people I know are smokers so I need to figure out how to be around the smell without giving up and giving in. I know now that I need to step it up, and be healthy.... Im still scared

so if I vent on here a little bit I hope you guys will bear with me?

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Today is day 46 for me and I am doing well. Today is a good day for me. Got up and started cleaning and painting. So excited to have a good day. It has been rough to even get out of bed to take my little 6 yr old to afternoon kindergarten....yes, I have been there too.

Read up on ALL you can and know what you can expect has helped me a great deal. Message people in here and PLEASE ask for HELP when needed. We quit in different ways and for different reasons, but we ARE here TOGETHER!!!

Our past is our past and we WILL regain the freedom of our lives today, tomorrow and forever!!!!!!!!!! Keep your head up and love the good and the bad. Loving the bad makes you realize that there are more good days than bad....How many of us would love to go through the first day again...NOT ME.

Take it minute by minute; hour by hour; day by day; and keep doing that till you can go without a care. Breathe, count to 10, place rubber band on wrist, whatever it takes....just keep pushing that crave further and further away....IT DOES GO AWAY....It is a mental addition, so learn to distract yourself.

Hugs to all.


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I am on day 7, the first 3 were ok but cravings were big by day 4 and day 5 I could have thrown in the towel, but didn't. It'd hard but doable if we just focus.

Anvarn try your local hospitals for smoking cessation programs, many of them now have free sessions. Stay strong! 

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Hello - I made it thru day 1 and I am going to take it one day at a time.  I tried to quit many times before but this time I want it to stick!  I am very happy to have found this site - I don't have much of a support group and it is very helpful to me to read other people stories and realize that I am not going thru this alone.  Thank you!

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I'm on day 34 today , very happy that I have come so far, however today was very very hard/I don't know why it was a normal day but the craving or thought was very powerful, slightly different then before.

I guess when we say take it day by day we really mean it!

To all of you hang on in there, we can do this :))

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