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General Support

hi tam, I was thinking that the steps will be a big part of my program...stubborn is my middle name
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536 Replies

my day will be feb 26th--not happy about it-failed many many times- over the yrs and alot this past yr-have pre-cancer in my vocals- ans stripped vocals-they told me 7 mos ago- not to sing and that i must stop it-the smokes- 40 yrs smoker-I hide when i fail- pressure from family- becasue of my health issues-is to much-a lot of stress from my fam mostly-stress is a big trigger for me-problem is I do not mind that I smoke- only reason i want to try- is because i have to- I sing in nursing homes with a friend- it is hard to go there and not sing-that is what i do- I could just play my tamborine-but that is boring- the people there want me to sing- i do not want to upset them- by telling them the truth- they are elderly and ill-I feel trapped by my life-

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64 yo semi-retired English teacher.  Day 67 & still desperately want cigs. Will follow posts for encouragement & insight.  Don't have much to contribute right now. Hoping to feel the postive effects soon.

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Hi, I am new to the group...My quiting date is March 4th.  I started taking Bupropion..and I am ready to do this...what tips can you give me to get to the third week??  I filled out my trigger page and read up on my tools to quit, but I need a bit more of human advice on hard or easy it was for you all to stay smoke free...any suggestions are welcomed...thanks....

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Hi Bex!  Welcome to the quitters club. Glad to hear you are getting ready to quit nicotine.  I set my quit date 2 months before I actually quit.  What helped me was conditioning my brain to live without nicotine for 2 months so when my quit date arrived I was ready. The experts say to remove anything from your life that affiliates with smoking.  If we did that we would be dead.  The best thing you can do is condition your brain and live your life as you would but without cigs.   They say you should be 100% ready to quit.                                                                                                    I am on day 55 and doing well.  You can put your mind to anything and just think about all of the health benefits you will experience once you quit.  On day 30 my sense of smell came back and now I can smell every little scent. Something to look forward too huh?  i wish you luck with your  upcoming quit.  If you have any questions or anything just send us a message on here.  Take care and good luck to you!

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I have been making my latest effort to quit smoking for the past 2 weeks. I noticesomedays are harder than others. Need to know what has worked for others when they get this huge desire for a cigarette, so the monent will pass without actually going for a smoke. I once lasted 8 months without smoking, andam hoping to have that much luck, or even tototally be able to quit for good.

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Hi Sparky!

I am aware about those craves that sneak up on you. Once you get past the physical withdrawals all it is is mind over matter.  If you can condition your brain some how to not need that cig you should be good.  If that doesn't work come on this site and type until the crave goes away. You can exercise or do some physical activity that will take your mind off of wanting nicotine.  I wish you continued luck with your quit and know we are here if you need to talk.  

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Today is day 60 for me.  I can't believe how far I've come.  I am so happy to see all of you quitters in the group giving it your all to try and kick the habit of nicotine.  I am also happy to see more members have joined us in the group.  I love hearing how all of your quits are going and if you need any encouraging words.

Like I say all the time you can do anything you put your mind to.  I am living proof.  After 22 years of being a smoker I had enough.  Here I am 2 months later and my body is healing itself nicely.

Kay:  Yes, stress can be a kicker when it comes to not smoking.  I've learned that when stress occurs to physically say out loud, to your brain that it is not getting another cigarette so you better figure out another way to handle the stress.  I've found when those kind of triggers occur I go outside like I was going to have a cigarette and take deep breaths with your new lungs.  Think about how good it feels to be smoke free and tell your brain so.

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I am 2 days into this quitting thing.  I am happy to read all your posts.  The encouragement you give and the truthfullness of your words helps me know I can do this.

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Keep going~~ Never quit quitting. I finally set a quit date. first time ever. Have tried many times before. At almost 8.00 a pack i simply can't afford it anymore. Been reading a lot on addiction on here. the day i set my quit date i went from 12-16 per day to 9 and the last 4 days have been 5 each. Hard to deal with everything that makes me want to have a smoke. just keep telling myself that i can't afford this any more. going to wean myself down to 2-4 cigs b4 my quit date...then see what i need to use to make it all good and to finally become a non smoker again after 35 years. Had my first 15 without. Need to even it  out again. I hope you all keep trying to quit.

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How do you join this group?

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