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Give and get support around quitting


Gaurdian Angel


I am so blessed my GA is hanging in there with me and for me.

He has and seems to continue to worked so hard, all my Life!

I had a stroke at 55 
Was at a ball game for my grandson,
Felt a little pain for about 1 long second in middle of forehead,
Didnt think much of it.  Climbed down quite a few bleachers when game was over.
Got in car with hubby,  I started to have just a tiny bit,
of slurring as I chatted.  Said to hubby some jokes,

about my slurring.  Then I knew from all all that I have read, and learned
about strokes that something was wrong in my body.

Told hubby I think I'm having a stroke.

He said naw,"  I said yes".  Went to ER,  said I think I had a stroke.

But no visible signs.  They ran me to back of ER,  took pics of my brain,

stroking still occurring; Signed my a lot of papers to stop that stroke.
Got helicopter ride.....Egads!
They saved my life! I saved my life as well! I knew "get help!"
I didn't have symptoms like books, and such say.  Just little cues. 

First hour is so important, when having a stroke.
I know that to be a true in my life.

Thank you God and my GA.  Amen.
One of many health issues after that scare.
Still smoking some .   Ugh.  Prayers Pls to be a Quit!

16 Replies

I smoked for 47 quit was taken out of my hands when I got so sick that I did not think I was going to make it...pneumonia and an exacerbation of COPD that left me with shortness of breath and the need for oxygen at night.  If I had not quit when I did, there is no doubt in my mind that I would not have survived.  Being free is the best thing I have ever done for myself and you can certainly do it as well...PLEASE, do the reading, educate  yourself about nicotine addiction and blog, comment, COMMIT...we can help you with everything except have to commit, we cannot quit FOR you but we can be here every step of the way to help you.



By the way...your guardian angel made me laugh out loud, thanks.


LOL yw.

0 Kudos

Sending you hugs and will say a prayer for you tonight. You need to be strong, and you need to know that although the addiction is powerful, intimidating, daunting and scary, YOU are stronger. You are soooo worth it. I already know you have a heart of gold. (All animal lovers do, right?);-))))

Tell your guardian angel you got the message loud and clear, and you will begin healing NOW. Please!            

if i can do it, you can do it. And I KNOW I will do this. ❤️Lisa 


Don't give up anaussiemom.  You can do it.  One day at a time.  Your guardian angel is with you and will not give up, so don't you.  We can all walk together with you on this.

Best wishes and prayers,



Thank you so much.

0 Kudos

Serious! Would't blame the poor thing.
