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Give and get support around quitting


First week is over!

A week and a day as a quitter!!!  wow its been hard but there is no looking back! We got this!  Doing more things with my son has helped a lot and washing my war to get rid of the Cigarrette stench a plus.  I am very happy that my husband has joined me in this journey.  Any dvice on quitting the patch?  it has helped a lot but not sure when I should start trying to rod of that to.

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7 Replies

Not sure how much you smoked - I was a pack a day smoker myself.  Sometimes more.  This is how I used the patch:  21 mg - 3 weeks, 14 mg - 2 weeks, 7 mg. - 1 week.  Do what feels right for you - but I would not be in too big of a hurry to quit using it since that was what you decided to use.  


No hurry to stop using the patch.  As long as you are relearning your routines and dealing with your triggers and associations while you are still getting a bit of nicotine, it is all good.



I am using the patch and I am in no hurry to get off.  I have been on 21mg for 32 days, awaiting the pharmacy to fill my 14mg script. I will do those for 2-3 weeks then go to the final 7mg step for a couple of weeks. I'm trying to transition when I know I have a few of the higher dose left just in case. I will use them until I don't need them anymore. I'd rather have a patch on my arm than not be able to breathe.

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Sorry, I meant to add Congratulations on 8 days!!!

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Congratulations on 8. Keep up the good work. Keep learning about addiction to nicotine and checking out Dr Hay's blogs on this site might give guidance on patch use.   Welcome to Ex!

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Congratulations on eight days and I would follow the directions on the patch...unless you forget to put it on and do fine without it.  I would not push it.  Glad that you are on this journey with your husband.  Stay close to the site, we will be here to help you.

Welcome to EX.


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Congrats on 8 days! Looks like good advice above. You are doing this! 

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