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Give and get support around quitting


First time using a Community Forum for help

Hi.  My name is Stephanie.  I'm completely new to this form of help to quit smoking.  I quit days before I got pregnant with my first child (who is doing wonderfully, except for a cold that she got from me 😞 ).  I started smoking less than a month after she was born, using the stress of an impending death of a family member as a reason to start (I know that sounds bad.  Don't know how else to put it.  Reality was that I was weak and I could've made it through without starting.)

I'm now pregnant with my 2nd child (just over 4 weeks in) and I need to quit ASAP and don't know how.  I used Chantix the last time, but I can't use anything right now, or at least not until the 2nd trimester, which is too long of a wait for me.  It was slightly easier last time because I was taking the medication for awhile, it was the middle of winter and I was working full-time.  I'm having tremendous guilt about what I could be doing to the baby with smoking and medications that I'm on that I wasn't on with my daughter.  It just doesn't seem to be enough to motivate me.  I do have a bit of stuff going on right now (no, I'm not trying to make excuses) that isn't helping motivate me either.  But I'm desperate.  My husband, family and friends are supportive, of course, but I'm not getting that real "kick in the ass" that I really need.  Any help//advice would be truly appreciated.  And if you read my post this far, I am extremely grateful.  Here's hoping to get this done in a few weeks or less!

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2 Replies

iam a frist time use this  and i am trying to quit smoking it has been hard to start i had a relaps allready what can i do so i do not have another replaped?

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You have a beautiful new life growing inside of you. I'm proud of you beyond belief for even trying to quit. I know it's hard, harder than you'd even imagine, but I know you can do it. You don't need medications or a huge support system, honestly. You have to find it within yourself (play on words for your baby, 😉 ) to help you find what you need to quit this habit. You can do it! 

If you need a REAL kick in the ass, try google image searching something along the lines of what happens when you smoke with a baby in the womb. That would do it for me. 

Good luck!

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