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Give and get support around quitting


First time trying and scasred

I have been smoking for over fifty years, yah scarry isn't it, where did all the time go, yup up in smoke. I deceided on trying to stop because of health reasons and not push my luck, Today was my first day smoke free and so far so good. After reading the difficulties at or around 72 hours am getting a little nervous....why after 72 hours does it become harder.
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5 Replies

AFTER about 72 hours, all the nicotine is gone from your body, then it becomes a mind game. the mind is just as hard to break than the nicotine is. just hang in there and it will get easier. i smoked for 42 years and it does take some time to adjust, you can and will. i have 130 some thing day,s not smoking, you can do it PEACE!
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Nothing to be nervous about...if you're prepared !!! After 3 days (or so) the nicotine is pretty much out of your system...after that it's a mental and physical addiction...not just the chemical addiction. What to do about the hand-to-mouth habit ?? What do you do emotionally and physically do to take the place of smoking ???
Did you do the EX Plan ?? If you worries !!!

Welcome...and Congradulations for making the decission to quit - - and LIVE !!!!
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Just know and understand, with each passing day it really does get easier. Get through it one moment at a time. The moments turn into hours, the hours turn into days, and before you know it, you will have long periods of time when you don't even THINK about smoking. My first 2 weeks, I lived on this site. I blogged and posted and read, read, read. It helped me so much. The support here is awesome. You can do this!
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When I quit the first three days were a piece of cake. The next three were what I was told the first three would be like. Everybody's quit is different.

How is it going for you thus far today?
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Linda, do not let anything get in your way of your goal. We have an addiction that tells us we don't have one and will con us into staying active in it. There is no reason in the world that you can't quit. The fear is there as it has been for all of us, but that can't stop you. You've faced more fears than alot of us, I'm sure. The reason it there is a tough period in the beginning is because your body is healing and screaming out for nicotine. Just remember that it doesn't last forever. Don't give up before the miracle happens. That is one day you'll wake up and the cravings will be gone. The screaming will stop and you will have control of your life again. It feels great and you will get there.
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