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Give and get support around quitting


First time quitting in 10+ years- need luck and good thoughts!

I attempted to quite smoking several times while in my 20's- back then I really didn't want to quit.  I'm going to be 40 this year and I always said I have quit before I hit the big 4-0.  I know I am not supposed to quit before a big event, but I am going to quit while on vacation to Disney.  I figure all of the busy time I'll have there will give me a week to be free of cigarettes.  I'm using separation now to prevent any unwanted flare ups when I get back to the real world.  Please wish me luck!!

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5 Replies

Hi there!

Im in the same boat! Disney is probably a great place to quit because there is no smoking in Disney (except in a few select areas!) Good luck, stay strong!

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Thank you!  I just broke this news to my wife and she is not overly-thrilled with my quitting.  I told her a few weeks ago that I was going to do this and she is frustrated/mad to lose her smoking partner.  I am so happy to get a quick response to my posting!  Thanks and wish me luck tomorrow (it is the first day of no car smoking).

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Okay, here it goes, my quit date is March 1st, yes I am anxious...I've quit before, several times and for several years, but I know it's stress that triggers my addicition. Yes, Virginia, I have an addiction...I've told all my smoker friends, we all must quit, they all agree...but they will not take the first step. So here I am again, gonna take that first step and this time I have to make it forever. I do hope that this site will help me, along with the patch...isn't it amazing that I can go for 3 or 4 weeks without a puff, but I can't make the committment to quit! So I hope I'll find the support here! Good luck to everyone...maybe I should go to Disney too!

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My boyfriend smokes cigars, that's gonna be tough, but I am hoping that I can get him to stop too. The one plus is that he smokes them outside and it's been WAY too cold and miserable to do it.

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Good luck KitKat and Rachel- I think I'll be posting a lot here once I get back from vacation.  I hope I'll be talking to two smoke-free chicks when I return.  I went out to the bar last night and had some drinks and smokes and realized that I'll be sad to see the smokes go- but I also accept it.  Almost like a grieving process (I read that somewhere) and I'm glad to be seeing it in that light.  I'm just not someone who smokes- even if I want to, I just can't and don't.  Easy to say now with a smoke next to me at the computer- we will see how good I do after vacation!!!


Good luck and wish me luck!

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