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Give and get support around quitting


First time here...

Just wanted to say hello. Day 6 of my quit with chantix. 

This is no fun. 

Already at the point where I'm thinking "well smoking wasn't THAT bad, was it?". Maybe I could have just 1... just to see if I still even want it  

I do understand that is not a possibility. At 45 years old, it's only a matter of time before I would have gotten some kind of illness related to smoking. I had to quit. 

Anyway, here I am...

54 Replies

*high five*


Where do I get free patches

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Your doctor perhaps! There is

800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669)

All states have quitlines with counselors who are trained specifically to help smokers quit. Call this number to connect directly to your state’s quitline. Hours of operation and services vary from state to state.   Try the hotline see if they can help you.

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Hang in there! I am on day 3. .I did spend alot of time preparing for this journey. Was reading but not posting.When the Headaches that come and go,leave me, I'll be able to concentrate and focus better. Totally changing my routine for days has been very Helpful. Tonight,I plan to soak in hot tub of e.salts and go to bed early. I am a natural night owl !  I figure the extra sleep or my kindle book will help me have a positive end to the day. Exercise class is at 8:30 a.m. I hate early classes but have been going all winter. Good night, tomorrow is another day in the Trenches of  this New Journey. PrairieRose

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Hey! Don't give up on this. I am on day 6 and I'm doing great and I'm on Chantix! No weird shit, no weird dreams and everything is going great !you have to have the mindset for it you have to want to quit. I'm 45 years old I have two grandchildren on the way and I'm doing it... you can too! Just believe in yourself and the will to quit. YOU can do this 🙂

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