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Give and get support around quitting


First 72 hours

I read the online article nicotine addiction 101 and was very impressed with the amount of relevant information it had on smoking, lots of tid bits I had never heard and I’m finding that it has really helped me to quit.  First off it discounted me from using NRT, I had planned to chew gum if the craving got out of control.  Second it emphasized the fact that the first 72 hours are the hardest and that once you get past that it’s mostly just preventing relapse.  I’m nearing my 72 hours nicotine free and hopeful that this will be the time.  I will never use nicotine again!

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12 Replies

Congratulations Miglets, you're through the withdrawal portion of your quit. Now you're on to distraction and maintenance. I find that all the people here have great insight and advice for the newer quittees.  Take advantage of all the resources here.  We're all here to support and help you. Best of luck; it's a great step toward a healthy you.

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Proud of YOU !!!!

Let the ride begin to a healthy and joyous future.........whooop whooop !

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Congrats, and we all look forward to seeing you succeed!  It's a great world living without nicotine! I will never go back!  

Sandy  238 DOF

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