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Finally quitting vaping - 3rd week

I started smoking at the age of 19 as a way to socialize at University. Silly yes, but my brain wasn't fully formed and making wise decisions all the time. I smoked until the age of 24 when I wanted to quit as I was smoking between 1-2 packs worth of hand rolled or luxury cigarettes per day (I liked the nice stuff). So I decided I'd quit before I turned 25 and heard people were finding success in vaping.

Unfortunately I effectively traded one addiction for another. My lungs did feel better and I didn't smell so I felt like my main issues were solved. I'm going to turn 30 in six months and I'm finally mature enough to want to quit this for good before then.

I have tried lozenges, gum, and patches earlier this year but I found the grasp too tight. Plus, I find the lozenges and gum to be disgusting.

My issue was the amount of nicotine I was vaping was too high for me to just use a 21mg patch. I looked at the numbers and that really helped me come up with a better understanding of how much I was using. I was at a 2-4 pod a day habit which equates to 80-160mg per day.

One of my co-workers is trying to quit dip and he uses nicotine pouches and a light bulb went off in my head, I'll use those when I get a craving but this time I'll not get hooked on them, I'll reduce the number I have each week until I'm only on the patch.

This has been working quite well as I'm on a 21mg patch and about 8 - 3mg pouches down from 16 a day. I plan to be off the pouches in 2-3 weeks, finish out my patches and then be free for the rest of my life soon.

Happy quitting everyone!

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3 Replies

I hope and pray that your plan works.  80-160mg per day. was a lot of nicotine if I am understanding correctly.  You could have died from that. Thank God you are still alive. The journey continues.  Stick to your plan because some replace one addiction with another.  Come here and let us know how it is going for you. What works for one may not work for another. 



HI and Welcome to Ex’s...analbum sounds like you have a plan...which is may want to look at our program here at Ex’ at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX it may help along with your plan...I have found replacing smoking with heathy things has helped greatly...keep close to the support site...Have a great evening...~ Colleen 275 DOF 

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Welcome to the Ex.   Congrats on your decision to quit.  Sounds like you have a plan and it's working for you.  Our quits can be very different.  I would still take advantage of the wonderful information and support here to help make it your lifetime quit.  This process is a journey and there can be different challenges along the way.   If you need help, reach out.  We're here for you.
