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Give and get support around quitting


Fell off the wagon and frustrated

I'm Mike. This is my 5th time trying to quit. I fell off the wagon today. While I've had one or two everyday since, I bought a pack  today.Been at for a month now. I'm taking Chantix. Cravings are gone. Just can't find any other way to cope with stress or my temper. Bought ready to give up but I really don't want to. Even though I thoroughly enjoy smoking. At my wit's end.

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58 Replies

pittfan1109 It will keep getting easier as you stack up your free days and as you learn to deal with things without smoking.  You are almost at the TDC, that would be the Triple Digit Club, 100 days!  You are in what we "affectionately" refer to as No Man's is the period of time when people who smoke don't want to hear about it anymore and people who never smoked think you should be over it.  This is a journey and it is one day at a time, one step at a time, one EXPERIENCE at a time.  I PROMISE you that if you stick with your quit and with us, it will get MUCH easier.  I have over three years now after smoking for 47 years with the exception of countless failed quits and pregnancies.  This site and the people here, along with the education about nicotine addiction, changed my life.  SERIOUSLY...I was an RN, I knew what smoking could do to people, I apparently thought I was immune.  I have COPD and in Nov of 2015, I had both of my upper lobes of my lungs surgically removed to help me to breathe.  Sounds strange, I know, but it really helped.  Not like I am going to run any marathons but I can breathe better than I could.  COPD is progressive and cannot be cured but taking care of ourselves through exercise and diet and NOT SMOKING, greatly slows the progress of the disease.

Humor helps with craves, so does exercise, and, of course, the support you can get here.  Keep it up, you are really DOING this!



It is definitely a little easier each and every day. I'm enjoying the feeling of being active again. I absolutely love playing basketball. Now I am getting a little stronger breathing every day. Loving that for sure.

Sorry about the COPD. My mother was just diagnosed with lung cancer. That was the final straw for me. Fourth family member who's gotten it. I refuse to be the fifth. I think that's making me take it a lot more serious this time. More determined to kick the addiction. Not going out like that. 

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pittfan1109‌ You CAN do this.  I am so sorry about your mother, PLEASE take care of yourself.


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Keep working it. Try to remember that it is you that matters not the cigarette. I thoroughly enjoyed smoking too, until I didn't have them which means, addiction of course. Hard to see addiction for the tragedy that it is. Unlike alcohol or other drugs, smokes don't make us loopy. Nicotine is administered every 20 mins to an hour via the cigarette for the smoker for most of the day.  It seems like enjoyment (never mind lung cancer, throat cancer, copd...etc.) but it really is an administration of nicotine that the brain has learned to beg for. 

I'll never forget a c1970s/1980s news story about a chimp that was trained to tap a lever for a dose of cocaine (poor beast!) and so it would keep tapping and tapping for the drug. 

Smoking is a habit, but the big picture is that it is an addiction. Learning to quit tapping for the dose is a one day at a time journey. And boy is the reward of freedom that eventually comes from bearing the difficult feelings without smoking so much greater than the tap, tap, tap. 

Sounds like you mean business, so keep giving yourself permission to quit, to change!

High five!

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I finally got the message after my wife died of esophageal cancer.  I also lost half of my teeth.  I am now 850 days free after smoking for 50 years and I love my freedom.  Quit now my friend, your life depends on it.


Good day to you Mike just wanted to share I blogged my emotions...  and kept blogging my emotions...I let it be known... I just blogged what I was dealing with emotionally and pissed off about and that I need HELP to deal with life on life's terms... who what where when whatever about that day and all the SUGGESTIONS came to me in truth with love. I hope you are blogging blogging blogging BEFORE you take that first puff over you... thanks for your help in keeping me STAYING QUIT NO MATTER WHAT AND WE WILL DO THIS TOGETHER...PLEASE remember blog blog blog those emotions give us a chance to help on those OFF days or STRESS days or just that DAY OF DAYS in Jesus name amen keep on keeping on and a hug for you too.


Definitely something I would probably benefit from. Another thing I'm working on during this process is opening up a little. Very hard for me to express myself. Been an ongoing issue throughout life. I'm getting there though. Small victories. I'll sure I'll get to that point where I'm able to do that. Thanks for the tip. It is very helpful and appreciated.


Just blog you don't have to be perfect I blogged early quit example... I feel like poop and I want to smoke HELP and they help they give ideas switch thinking reading assignments etc blogs don't have to make sense cuz WE ALL remember WE had those days when no words just CRAP WITH LIFE JUMP OUT SUDDENLY AND EMOTIONS WITH TWISTED THINKING... they with YEARS know all the pitfalls YET YOU MUST BLOG... YOU GOTTA WANNA NOT USE NICOTINE FOR YOU JUST YIU....this is what was suggested to me also here and at I watch a video of bryn and he saved my life by opening my eyes to accept I am a recovering nicotine addict and but for the grace of God go I... I email his widow and told her thank you... I remain quit and how I was helped by her generous love to help another suffering nicotine addiction with her husband video... if your sad or pissed off... just blog I am pissed off I haven't used HELP.... and post the blog...and the life lines of HELP will come..please drink lots of water and eat oranges and remember to take three deep breathes that is what they told ME and it worked... I blog of emotions and said I just needed to vent... hang tough and NOT ONE PUFF OVER YOU... thank for letting ME pass on what was given FREELY to ME.. thanks for being my friend in Jesus name amen 


Hey Mike I'm just starting out on quitting too. I am on day 6 smoke free. I am on day 19 of chantix. Dont beat yourself up over buying a pack too much to the point where you think you cannot do this.. Just try again. Us smokers love beating ourselves up and that some how gave us reason to not even try. I foolishly thought I "loved or enjoyed smoking or needed it to get through moods"---all that is the addiction talking to you. When I planned my quit I thought about pitfalls and what will I do if I get a craving I wrote them all down. And I was ready so the day came and I went almost the entire day without a ciggarette and there were many opportunities and moments when I went ok I want a smoke but I said no. So long story short my husband lit a cigg after we had dinner and I couldn't stop myself that time I asked him for some took two puffs and felt so bad because I really wanted that day to be my quit. So I got up the next morning and tried again and it was easier still hard but easier. And I'm on day 6 and it has been the best day so far. Just give yourself time. It will happen for you. Things I like to do when I am stressed out is take a walk take a shower hug  my son (he is 3) or hug my husband who still smokes and the smell is enough to put me in check. Just go one day. Or whenever the urge strikes say I dont do that anymore so how can I calm myself down. You got this! 

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Baby-J‌ Welcome! I love to see this encouragement!

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