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Give and get support around quitting



I was just wondering if anyone was terrified when they quit smoking. I haven't quit yet but believe with some of the support here i will. I have walked away from some other bad habits in my life, but have smoked for 20yrs without taking a day off. I want this so bad and yet i am overwhelmed by this nagging fear. I ask myself...fear of what? Being free? Being healthy? Being a role model for my son? All i know is i have had anxiety over this and it is stopping me from a better smoke free life. Any and all replies would be helpful. I feel wil never happen.
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8 Replies

yes im am scared to death of actually quitting ! i have smoked for over 30 years , it (smoking) has been such a big part of my life that its almost like giving up my best freind ! i just join this site a few days ago i am trying to cut my cigs down so i can quit shortly . i just want to be done with smoking . good luck to you keep in touch
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have u ever quit? I feel like i have no quitting experience and i know i have to start somewhere. I know im almost ready because with every cigarette i think how im smoking away my sons college fund or how i may never see his children, because i choose to smoke. My self esteem is at an all time low, all I have to do is QUIT!!!! Good luck to u.
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id like to give you the magical answer , id like someone to give it to me . i have never quit for good but have come very close . the last time was about a year ago my dr. put me on chantix i got down to 1 or 2 cigs a day. i took it for a month, trouble was the side efforts were horrible! i was sick at my stomach, had horrible nightmares and was very depressed. my husband made me get off of them! but, there is tons of people on this site that has had success with chantix. you might be one of the ones that can. as for me im trying to time my cigs and sometime in the near future put on a patch and give it my best to finally quit for good. i hope that i helped in some way. keep in touch
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It's just fear of the unknown. You don't even know how to act when you first stop. Withdrawal is a b*tch, but then it's done. After that, it all comes down to how hard you are prepared to mentally fight your addiction. It is a battle so worth it, and you'll soon learn that the unknown was nothing much to be scared of, anyway. Life goes on, it's just that you don't have a huge, smelly, expensive-to-feed, ready-to-kill-you-at-a-moments-notice monkey on your back anymore. Don't be scared... just jump off that cliff. We got you!
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Way to kick a**, Leslie! 🙂
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congrats, for geting to this web site and starting conversation with all these winners...Its will be 71hrs for me and I was taking I will not use chantix, but rely on my relearn tools and put my best foot forward and look to the people here to help me get back to who i enjoy being..I plan never to take another puff,by any means neccesary. so set your date, get your support and do the work...I know it is helping me. you can do this.

PS the posting susan have on her site about another site called was helpful..I really listen and learned what smoking will do to my life if I keep smoking. you may want to check it out.
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congrats, for geting to this web site and starting conversation with all these winners...Its will be 71hrs for me and I was taking I will not use chantix, but rely on my relearn tools and put my best foot forward and look to the people here to help me get back to who i enjoy being..I plan never to take another puff,by any means neccesary. so set your date, get your support and do the work...I know it is helping me. you can do this.

PS the posting susan have on her site about another site called was helpful..I really listen and learned what smoking will do to my life if I keep smoking. you may want to check it out.
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omg i got goose bumps with ur words of encouragment!! thnx so much
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