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Give and get support around quitting



I'd really love to hear people's insight on how they've overcome fear. I have tried quitting many times and have failed and I know for a fact fear is my worst enemy! I will be excited to quit until the time finally comes and then im struck with panic and fear like no other sometimes I can last a day sometimes 2 days but I always give in because of the anxiety and fear that I feel. Any input would be helpful as I don't want to be trapped by nicotine forever. Thank you!

18 Replies

I get you, GotDance.  I start thinking about NEVER EVER having another cigarette and I panic.  That fear can be paralyzing.

What works for me is not thinking or saying that I am quitting forever.

Sounds counter-intuitive, I know.

I focus only on quitting for one day; this day, today.  I can do anything for one day.

I know that if I quit for one and do it for enough days in a row; eventually I won't care about smoking.  It won't be such a huge part of my life.  And then it won't be so scary to think  about never ever having another cigarette.

Your mileage may vary; but this works for me.

One day at a time.


Keep the Quit

I was taught right here on this site that  FEAR is a False Evidence Appearing Real.   Know that it is not unusual to have a certain amount of fear but do not let that fear stop you from making the best decision in your life to quit smoking.  Quitting is doable. 


I didn't overcome my fear before I quit. I walked the walk and at age 54, almost six years ago, I quit. I did not try to change my mind or feelings--because when I looked deep down inside I saw no hero. The one thing I knew that I could do was have a day one. Then on day two, I walked the walk. Then day three. A week passed, a month, a year, then another. Somewhere in there (as the active addiction faded away) my thinking was reformed. 

I believe in the three stages of recovery: come (show up), come to (become aware of your situation), come to believe (understand that you are capable of recovery). These may take a while for you, or not--but walking the walk no matter what will you to each step.

More of my five cents worth? Well, if your feelings are not ready to be changed, don't try to change them--just walk the walk. They will be changed by your actions.

Take what you need, leave the rest.

Yes you can, one day at a time.


We all understand the fear.

Smoking related illnesses are pretty scary too.

At some point we take a leap of faith, in ourselves, and commit... fear and all.

Face Everything And Rise

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At 66 years old after 52 years of smoking I quit.  I was really really scared. With the help of this site, I did it.  That was almost 6 years ago.  It was worth every effort I made to allow it to happen. You can do this.  I promise. 


Seems simple and obvious, perhaps even facetious(not meant to be), have you never feared anything before and then proceeded to overcome it? Sometimes we already hold the answer to the questions we ask, it only needs to be drawn to the surface. 

Maybe try this, think of one time that there was something you were really afraid of and what did you do to over come that? You don't have to share it. 

Two things that will help you come over fear, preparation and confidence! Prepare by knowing your addiction and understanding how you can bypass it. When quit time comes, have confidence you are fully prepared and fall back on your preparation! 


Hi and Welcome to Ex’s...You truly received some great advice above the work...I too, suffer from anxiety and found if I held tight to my faith and asked God to help me through this journey...I prepared for my quit date, I read and became knowledgeable about quitting and I realized this takes hard I am at 249 Days quit and I love it...and I found out I suffered more from anxiety when I was smoking...I am much more at peace...You are worth this quit...You can do it...fear is being told you have lung cancer, not quitting smoking...~ Happy Friday ~ Colleen 249 DOF 


Welcome to EX and please know that you are not weaker than all of the rest of us who are in recovery and know that your addiction is not stronger than all the rest of us who are in recovery.  You can do this, track your triggers and keep in mind that smoking fuels them, when you have a cigarette, it is no different from any other junkie who needs a "fix" and who feels better for a short time after getting it.  This is a powerful addiction but recovery is more powerful.  You CAN do this, I smoked for 47 years and have been quit for over 5 1/2 now thanks to this site...I got support, education, MORE support, MORE education, and I learned to pay attention to advice that was offered to me.  People took the time to reach out to me, the LEAST I could do was to listen to them, to believe that they knew what they were talking about.

You CAN do this...



Welcome.   I overcame the fear when I realized it was a choice.  When I was able to stop thinking about forever and decided I could smoke tomorrow if I chose to alleviated the fear one day at a time.


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