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Give and get support around quitting



I failed. So sorry. Had a argument with my husband so what did he do. Brought me home cigs. So now I have to try again. I feel like a total loser. So sorry my dear friends. You can kick me out of Ex if you want. I will understand. It's so hard because I have no friends in the town that I live and no family to help me. I should have come here but he had me so mad I smoked them I don't even know why I did it.

87 Replies

Failure is simply a platform for future success.  As long as you think of it as a stepping stone, not an end.  Ask yourself what you needed to learn from this experience and how it might help you grow.  Delve into the why you did it.  It will help you understand how not to do it again.  Use the failure to catapult you into success.


You all are so caring so giving. I will conquer this habit. I will lean on you all when I need to and hope someday to be completely free of this addiction and be able to use what I learn to help others like you all do for me.


One of these days, I am going to be in just the right frame of mind to give this a try!

I'm being selfish by wanting to put a "smile" and "laughter" in your heart.

We are ALL here for you, NO MATTER WHAT!!!




Please don't ever think of smoking as a habit.  It is an addiction, and a tough one at that.  I am glad you came right back and are getting right back at it.  Kudos to you for that.  So many simply disappear, sometimes for years.

Make a plan now for what you might do when you get angry during this next quit.  Will you go for a walk, or march in place, or punch a pillow, or curse into it, or do a few sets of stairs?  Maybe write a few things down so that list is your first line of defense.  Then - come here and write it all out.  Sometimes that's all it takes!  We hid from all of our emotions behind that cloud of smoke all those years, and part of this quit process is learning to deal with them all head on.  You will get there.

Let's get this done THIS time!  Let us help!



I love that eyeopening analogy! Hiding behind a cloud of smoke. Yes... I’ve certainly been doing that. Also filling a void inside myself with it. 


Don't beat yourself up that in it's self will make you want to smoke.  Keep trying!!


No , you didn't fail . Someone enticed you , tempted you because they knew it's a weak spot. You got this , carry on.


Everyone does their best to help others quit smoking. Keeping that in mind is important.

This is a great community . I have a long quit now but started at day one like everyone . Time had past but I don't forget my early days quit . The emotions , the fear , the anxiety , it is all overwhelming . You have a lot on your plate with quitting and from what you have shared with us many other things. 

I am not sure what happened that your husband would buy cigs for you , only you know that , but I hope things are going better for you today and for your husband.

My ex was a non smoker . We didn't see eye to eye on smoking because he never smoked therefore he never understood the gravity of smoking . He always wanted what was best though ...  me to quit smoking . Quitting is not easy and quitting can make us quite miserable for a while . I'm sure our quitting affects the spouses in ways we don't quite understand as well . It's does us good to remember addiction will cause turmoil .  It wants us back . I hope you both can come up with a plan that will be something that can be compromise and help each  other . I always think quiet spaces in your home and go to safe peaceful places in our thoughts where there is no smoking are nice when addiction rears its ugly .  

If my ex were a smoker I doubt he would like that I was quitting cause it would put pressure on him to do the same . Addiction hurts more than just us . 

I hope that you will continue to seek and welcome the support here from all of us because from my experience ex smokers people really do care for their fellow quitsters and want to stay smoke free not just for themselves but also help others stay smoke free . 

Maki . 


I can't help but sense pain here.  It pains me for you.  you are not a failure.  No matter what is happening now or what has happened in the past,  you can do this.  For no one else but yourself.  I have found that with my situation and past,  my quit has shown me that I am the only one in charge of me,  only I control me.  If I want to do this, I'm going to do and no one is going to do it for me or stop me.

So glad to hear you are able to talk with your husband and plan for the next time a rough patch comes up.  I hope he gets you a dozen roses,  not just a single one-  I think you deserve it!

And you do have friends and family here.  We may have never met, we may never meet,   but I think its safe to say that we all care for you and will help in any way possible. 

Best wishes on this roller coaster journey...


TODAY MARCH 5TH IS MY NEW QUIT DAY.... I bought a bag of dum dum suckers and if I feel the urge to smoke I am going to grab a sucker open it up put it in my mouth. Then read the wrapper and say I am DONE being a dum dum sucker of cigs.