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Give and get support around quitting



Hey..I'm Donna and I'm gonna give this quitting thing one more chance. 

I quit on October 28, 2008 and didn't have a single smoke until I had a few beers in April 2009.  I smoked maybe 3 that night and no more for a while.  Then I got to the point everytime I was around my family I'd bum one because they all smoke.  Then we went on vacation in September 2009 and I went balls out and bought a pack, then another, then another and by the time vacation was over I was hooked again.

I quit way back around 1997 and didn't smoke for about 6 years then after a divorce and started dating a guy that smoked and that's all it took.  That, along with some stressfull times I started back.  I smoked up until I quit in October '08.  I used Zyban to quit in '97 and tried Wellbutrin a few times but my boyfriend smoked so I didn't have the will power.  He quit cold turkey but I still smoked.  I tried Chantix twice and finally quit the second time on it in '08.

I feel like I'm babbling at a "SA" meeting or something, so I'll shut up now.

I hope this site helps me quit for good this time!!


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2 Replies

All I can say is we've done it before, we can do it again. And you're not babbling! You're recounting your trip back to being a smoker. Are you planning to quit or have you already? I'm in the planning stages....getting my armour ready so to speak. Stay focused. It's one minute at a time for a while. Good luck!

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I'm in the planning stages too.  I figure maybe I need to take a different approach this time.  I'm looking at a quit date of the first of February maybe.  I'm on day three of tracking, then I'll see what the next step is.

Thanks for the encouragement and good luck to you as well.  We'll hang in there together! 🙂


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