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*** FIVE *** MONTHS *** FREE***

Just a few minutes ago, as I sat here with my laptop responding to e-mails and constructing a blog post, I noticed that the date in the lower right hand corner of my screen says 6/6/2020... It took a bit to sink in, but when it did, I got excited!!

You see, today marks 5 months since I quit smoking! And I am going to shout my stats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This quit is the first EVER where I have gone this long without smoking even one cigarette.

To put this into perspective, I smoked my first cigarette in 1958 and my last on 01/06/2020. (The first one I bummed off my boyfriend, at age 15.)

From these dates you cannot only see that I'm somewhat of an old lady but also that smoking has been a part (a major part) of my life for about 62 years. And..... during a great share of that time, I was smoking 2 packs per day!

As of today, I am 152 days free of those nasty-nasties and had I kept smoking, I would have inhaled 2,280 of those obnoxious things during these past five months. (I had reduced my intake the past year or so down to 10 per day.)

During those 6-plus decades of smoking, cigarettes brought wrath upon my body: premature aging, periodontal disease, emphysema, heart disease, high blood pressure and clogged arteries (especially the ones going to my brain.)

These health issues are the major reasons I chose to quit. (although wanting to smell better also played a part)

As I went into my quit, it was suggested I write a farewell letter to cigarettes to help solidify the "deal"- here is that letter: 

Although I remain committed to my quit, I will be honest and say there have been times when it's been difficult, when the craves seem relentless, and when I've briefly considered going back. 

But, I've remained steadfast as I have made a solemn commitment to quit.

And, to maintain this commitment, I have a precious palm-sized wooden cross that I "work" as one would use a worrying stone, when I'm tempted to smoke. Furthermore, I have put this cross up as collateral. Just as a person would lose their house should they put it up as collateral and then default on the loan, should I go back to smoking I will lose this precious cross as well. 

My idea for the use of a collateral came from Giulia‌'s blog post /blogs/Giulia-blog/2013/09/10/how-precious-is-your-quit?sr=search&searchId=d354a6f3-5109-47fc-adb7-5...  And it's been the BIG difference this time around.

I will close by asking -- in a supportive and caring manner --  "Just how precious is you quit?"

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33 Replies

Thanks so much Strudel‌ for your support! 

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(and you have been helping others during ALL of them!)


(and thanks!)


Thanks Nancy for your congrats and ongoing support!!  (I have received a report from Mark that this entry went to him instead of you so have edited it now in the hopes it comes to you) !! xox

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Thanks indingrl

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I can't tell you how much it means that that blog I wrote helped to get you to a five-month quit.  Never thought of it in terms of the word "collateral," but that's exactly what it is.

So glad of your quit.  So glad you've stuck around to share it with us.  Brava Ms. Suzy!


Thank you so much Giulia‌ "Julia with a G", I am so thankful for your example, inspiration and support; I now reach ahead to month #6, while closely  guarding my precious quit 

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Congratulations on five months quit Suzy Q . You are inspirational ! 


Thank you so much for your congrats and kind words Maki‌. Now I reach ahead to month #6, ODAAT, while closely guarding my quit 

0 Kudos

Congratulations! If I were a newbie your blog would help me: commitment and collateral! Perfect!