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F%*! you Philip Morris!

I had been smoking for 5-6 years and Its been 10 hours since I quit smoking and I feel surprisingly good.

The cravings are not as bad as I thought they would be and I haven't killed anyone yet! However the frequency of the cravings are the most annoying. My plan for this so far is...  whenever I feel the need to smoke I do 10 jumping jacks, or 10 push ups if its a strong craving... but overall I just get active and I tell myself  "No thanks! I DON'T smoke!" over and over and also "FUCK YOU PHILIP MORRIS!" over and over. 

I found a really cool quit smoking time chart that tells you what is happening with your body as time goes by. According to the chart... at 8 hours the oxygen in my blood returned to a normal level. At 24 hours my body will be carbon monoxide free, at 48 Nicotine free. I think its pretty neat and plus its something to look forward too. 

Well, Good luck to everyone else!

And NO THANKS, I DONT smoke!

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2 Replies

i laughed when i had a craving.

the tobacco companies don't put in our mouths and light it up, we do. it was our choice.

i wish you well on your quit journey but the anger and  frustration might be washed down with a laugh every so often

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Well, I'm pretty sure I never said tobacco companies forced me to smoke, Im well aware it was my choice to smoke and I have no anger or frustration whatsoever (though I was a bit frustrated when I read this) but since you can't insert emotion into text I suppose I can't blame you. When I say "F you Philip Morris" I'm glad. I'm glad i'm able to refuse their little money making hook. 

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