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Give and get support around quitting


Everybody Wins

“You need to be aware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” Jim Stovall~~~~~
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Can you tell me how you & others who seem time to find time for everything do it? I would love to spend more time on
here encouraging others. But I have several places I keep up with. Like any news out of Iraq since I have a grand-son-in-law
there, read on the "why quit" site, answer emails and look up dishes that fit my diet. All the while trying to move about and get my triglycerides down, physically time spent that I can't do at the computer..
I am not trying to be selfish! I just can't seem to fit it all in and I am really looking for answers on how other busy people
like yourself accomplish all this. You and Others have been so sweetl kind and helpful that I feel bad that I can't, be there for others like you have for me. Please help!
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