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Give and get support around quitting


Ever Have Other People Be The Trigger?

Oh, I have one! She called today. I swear she calls just to make me mad, but she's on the 'other side' of the family, so what are you going to do?! Well, when she really started trying to throw her weight around, I warned her that this is Day 2 for me, and not a good day to mess with me. So, she started going off about how it's never going to happen, I can't do it, and blah, blah, blah...Amazing how you can block people out with the deep breaths! I'm now more determined than ever to succeed, just so I can shove it in her face and shut her up! LIFE IS EXCELLENT!!!!!!! Okay, I'll admit it is not the most positive approach, but I believe even God would agree with me on this one! HEE HEE!
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