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Essential Oils

Hello EX Smokers,

I quit again on Nov. 17th 2017. I am using NRT and to assist me this time I am using Essential Oils, currently I only have my starter kit. I am using Black Pepper and Thieves in my diffusers and Black Pepper and Spearmint in my inhaler. I feel their is something better, I'm putting an order in this Friday the 17th. My question is for those who also used Essential Oils.

What worked for you?

Thank you,


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7 Replies

Hi joelwsteiger,

I did not use the oils to assist with my quit, but found wintergreen breath mints have been my clutch when I get hit with a craving. I have been using oils for other reasons for years though. What oil/combination that needs to be added depends on what results you are searching for. I never used the black pepper, so not sure exactly what its intent is, but if you feel you need additional calming and grounding I find that lavender, chamomile, frankincense, and sandalwood are my goto oils. Mix n match until you find a combination that works for you.

Good luck

Tabbie 14 dof


Hello joelwsteiger

I did not use essential oils in my quit either, but I do use the stress away, peace and calm II and also the liquid xanax! 

Lavender mixed with peace and calm II at bedtime in difuser!  I love my oils!  

So you're new quit day will be November 17th?  You can do this!  Just keep on saying N.O.P.E. and I don't do that anymore!  Also come visit this site often, set yourself up for success.  If I can quit after 43 years, anyone can!  You just really have to set your mind to want to live a life of Freedom!  Freedom from addiction to nicotine!  

There are so many good reading materials for you, I'm sure they have all been offered up to you already!  

Hope to see you around often!  

Sandy 58 DOF


I did not use oils but sprayed perfume to trick my brain it was not time to smoke.  I also used mentholatum cough drops. They worked for me and very inexpensive.  One under the tongue worked wonders.  


Sorry, I did not use essential oils and I really don't know anything about them.  I certainly think that smells can be very relaxing and bring back all kinds of memories.  Remember that we are here...your best friends in your quit are your commitment and education about nicotine addiction as well as support from this community.  Stay close and let us know how you are doing on your journey.



Thank you everyone,

You all have good advice.

I wrote down the oil combinations for my next order.


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Congratulations on your quit!  

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joelwsteiger‌ I have been using Frankincense, Lavender, Sweet Orange, and Lemongrass. I drop them on a cotton ball and carry it with me. I've diffused it in my home but I prefer the strength of sniffing it, haha!  I usually use the same ratio, 1:1. You can adjust it to your liking. Congratulations on your quit.

Michele  141 DOF