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Today I started equate nicotine patches. I've done really well today with them but I have a slight headache. Does anyone know if this is a good nicotine patch or do you have advice for something else. The reason I got this over the counter at Walmart is because my insurance wouldn't cover the prescription patches

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12 Replies

I've never patched, but I have used Equate products from Walmart.  In my experience most are just fine.  If you look at the list of ingredients, they're the same strength as far as the main ingredient.  Where they begin to differ is in the secondary ingredients .  Some people can be allergic to them.  Eye drops, for example - some people do quite well with the Equate brand, for others it's a no go.  The difference is discernible to those using the different products.

A point of reference, that I believe is correct:   the list of ingredients (by law) is in order of the amount they put into the content of each ingredient.  It is generally the list of secondary ingredients that differ, not only in terms of their amounts, but in terms of what they are.  But there are other differences in the preparation of the main ingredient that can make a difference in how it affects the person using it and how it is absorbed by the body.  I'm sure you could do a google search and find out much about the differences in drugs, preparations  and the labeling of contents.  Education is our best friend.  Talking to pharmacists will also give you quite a good education.  The more we study, the more education we have, the more we KNOW, the better able we are to make the wisest decision as to what is best for us.  

And then in the cause of quitting, following and adhering to that Best of us.


I also used them and thought they worked well. I agree with everyone else they stick well and cost less.



On Wed, Jul 11, 2018, 4:01 AM freeneasy <>