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Ellen ( Elvan) is in need of Prayers

She's really really struggling with her breathing. She's using her nebulizer and taking in plenty fluids but the humidity where she is, is thick. She is now in air conditioning, which helps. Her O2 Sats are good and she says her lungs sound good. But I know this is painful for her. Ellen only has ONE HALF of both lungs. The upper lobes were removed in BOTH lungs.    Plus her computer is down once again.

She just needs a break. Please lift her in prayers everyone, she  is always lifting all of us up...its our turn to return the favor. I think I have a laptop to send her but won't have access to it until this weekend...but will try to get it tomorrow.

Thanks everyone...I know I can count on people on this site to be there for her because thats just what we ALL do. We hold each other up when times are tuff . And we all know that people who work in the medical community, as Ellen is a retired RN....are THE WORST at taking care of themselves. Prayers going up as we speak, thank you!

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75 Replies

I will seriously consider using the site daily to vent my frustrations.

Thank you for being there Ellen. Maybe I can be there for someone else.

0 Kudos

Gma_Bernie‌ You already ARE!


Just seeing this now as I'm not on the site very often. Glad to see that you are feeling better Ellen, but I will pray for your ongoing improvement anyway. ♥


Thank yo Missy.  Ellen, much love, comfort and faithful prayers to you my friend.



Tons of love and prayers to Ellen.  She is one of the most loving people I know.  She has been the reason I could always find the love inside of myself to forgive myself and move forward.  I will give you one of my lungs Ellen.  Your love shines through to everyone!!  Laura


Lauralives‌ What a sweet comment...I really am doing okay.  I am SO HAPPY that you are back.  You are such a great addition to the site and you always have been.  Sending you TONS of love.
