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Eating everything in sight!

Hi.. it's my first full day of no smoking and I find that I'm eating everything that isn't nailed down. This will be a real problem if it continues. Now I see how I gained 10lbs last quit. Anyone have any ways to combat this?
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11 Replies

I know you probably don't want to hear this, but have lots of fruits in veggies in the house. Get one of those big veggie trays that are all cut up already from the grocery store and munch away. I had a nutritionist tell me once that she had never seen anyone get fat from eating to many veggies. On the flip side of that give yourself a little break in the beginning with your eating habbits, you can always lose any gained weight after you are a little more comfortable with you new role as a no smoker. Good job on your quit:D
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Its only day 2 of my quit so I'm not about to beat myself up for eating. I went to the store and got lots of fruit and veggies. I'm going to give myself a few days to get through the worst nicotine withdrawal then it'll be time to really pay attention to what I'm eating. I thought of doing Weight Watcher's at the same time as quitting smoking...why not? Then I'd have to really pay attention to what was going in my mouth and I wouldn't have much time to think about smoking since I'd be too busy thinking about what I can eat for next to zero points 🙂
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I am eating all my kid's halloween candy...
I quit 4 days ago... I may gain a few pounds.... but I will be much healthier and have better odds of living to eat my future grandchildren's halloween candy.
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Thanks guys! It's day 4 (OMG) and even though there are some rough times, it's been easier than I imagined. Again, I'm sure I owe that to Chantix.

I decided for this first week I'm going to cut myself a break and do whatever it takes to get through it without smoking. A week of eating everything in site won't do any irreversible damage. Then week 2 or 3 I will focus on my eating and start running again since I'll be able to breathe. I'm hoping that will keep the 10lbs I gained last time away.

And yes.. Halloween candy is becoming my downfall, lol! It's everywhere.. I threw most of the stuff my son had at home out but there's baskets and baskets full at every turn in my office, ha!

Have a good day everyone!
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I'm getting ready to run to the grocery store right now. I'm going to buy every fruit and veggie I can think of that would make a good snack and some plastic baggies. My plan is to divide these snacks into baggies and whenever I have a craving for a cigarette, I grab one of these baggies instead. Hopefully by the time I am done with my snack the craving will have passed. Sounds good in theory. I'll let ya know how it works out.
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Hi, I have been carrying around a water bottle. No a glass of water, water bottle helps. I have been chewing so much gum. Jaw will probaly hurt soon. I also bought that yogurt you drink and 100 percent cranberry juice. I have been lifing my weights and plan on starting a class Zumba( on Nov17th. I'm determined not to gain weight. That will depress me and I will start smoking.. Email when you want to eat.Today is my 4th day, smoke free.I have to work 5pm-10pm today will check site and email when I get home.
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Hi Christine...I can appreciate the concern. I carry extra pounds around anyway and have been concerned about gaining and yes, the first week, I had to really curb the urge to open the fridge when I refused to light a smoke. I have been keeping Tootsie Roll Minis and Life Savers (the individually wrapped variety) around (night stand, end tables, purse, coat pockets, etc.) and have been popping those instead of going the the cupboard or refrigerator. I'm now into my 3rd week without a cigarette and have been playing with only 5 pounds (up or down). I figure I can live with a 5-pound difference. Don't give up on it. Your health will be much better in the long run, even with a few extra pounds. The cravings will subside and you'll still be smoke-free.
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when i quit for the first time 6 years ago i gained alot of weight. Everthing started to taste better . Even bad food. However I did learn that it is a oral fixation and it replaces food (hand to mouth) instead of a smokes. It is very subconscious. Anyhow I would suggest jerky if you like it. Tends to be low fat.
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exercise then eatings ok lotsa sex lol
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