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Give and get support around quitting


EXperimenting with the New EX

Wow.  Look at all the changes!  Just experimenting here.  We can have numbered and bulleted lists.  Lets see what this does: 

My reasons to quit:

  1.   Because I'm no dummy and know that smoking is stupid and bad for my health.     
  2.   I will have better breath and not ashtray mouth.
  3.   I won't be shunned by those who don't smoke.
  4.   I'll save a whole heck of a lot of money.
  5.   I'll discover new strengths within myself.

Now let's see what the QUOTATION MARK button does....

If you've quit and are still smoking, you're doing it wrong!"  (Jonescarp)

And F for font family?  Look at this (comic sans), Impact, Terminal (none of us have to be terminal smokers!  Moving on to Arial.  Hmmmm, I wonder what the default font was now.  New times Roman?  Nope.  I wonder if there's a way to go back to the default.  I think I like it best.

And we can make words big!  and Bigger!  And biggest! and smaller if we want!!! 

Which means we won't have to go to a word processing program or an email program to do that!  Coo!

And if we have a nice poem

we want centered

we can do that too!

Hmm, but why did the line spacing end up being so wide?  Yet it turns out right when we post.  Probably due to the bigger font size. 


Look at that!!!!  We can upload our own pictures directly from our very own computers!!!!  Whooooo Hooooo.  That was

the monster I was working on yesterday.  This is too much fun!    And we get emoticons too!

Now onto text color how bout lime green?  RED.  Sky Blue in bold.  Plumb!  Oh my.  This experimenting is GREAT as a craving distraction, I would think!  Let us not forget orange.  But still the line spacing is HUGE!!  Waaaaa.

Still trying to go back to the original font.  Verdana?  Nope. 

Hey YoungAtHeart.  I'm going to give you a badge - just for the heck of it.  To see how THAT function works.  Ooops, now I don't see how.  Guess I'll have to do another at YoungAtHeart Nice Work   That's for all the Wednesday blogs you've posted over the years to keep keep members fro...

Wow.  Me likeee these new changes!  (And if this times out before I send it, I'll shoot myself in the head!  lol)

Hope others will join in experimentation.  That's the best way to learn after all!  Practice makes perfect.

15 Replies

G---there is an icon for inserting a link removing the need for that scintillating explanation of yours on how to do it (love you really!)

"Scintillating"  Isn't that a pretty big word for you?  Kiss Kiss. 

0 Kudos

Sootie, a "tag" is a label of washing instructions placed on the backside of garments. Actually:  "A tag is a keyword or phrase used to group a collection of content together."  e.g. if you wrote a blog about quit tools to beat cravings, the tag might be "craving busters," or "quit kit."  It's just a brief one or two word description that people can search for when trying to find content specific to their needs.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Okay you made me giggle a bit on this one Giulia

EX Community Admin Team



Oh, I am becoming very shy, and timid...can you believe it???

Maybe because is only 5:30 am, and I have not finished my cup of coffee.

Will just need to keep reading and exploring options until I feel comfortable navigating the new EX, right?

Giulia, love your pic!

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  1. OK, I will tryDSCF0760.JPG
  2. yep, there's my scooter! I found color! I found biggest. I like this. Still figuring out where to put the daily promise I have it in 2 different places this morning!
  3. Have a great day! I will be at Chatzy at 9 am obviously I need to be there!
  4. Giulia‌, thanks for the detailed instructions on this!You wouldn;t happen to know where I can find my inbox, please? Hugs! Have a great day!
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