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Give and get support around quitting


E-Cig Users

i think what ever your doing to quit is GREAT....who cares what anyone else says, about your method to quit...godd luck and stay strong

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61 Respuestas

I used one for 6 months and wuit smoking but then at my new job I met smoking coworkers and started smoking with the

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Sorry to hear that,did you try again to quit?

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I am using one along with the patch and nicotine gum but I use it only to take a few puffs when I really really have a strong craving I intend to wean off the e- cig as I wean off the patch I chew the gum only as needed also I have smoked for 50 years it is like breathing to me . I am down to a hlf a cig a day in the morning it is my hardest cig to quit so I am now delaying it by putting on the patch immediately I chewed a piece of nicorette gum and a few puffs on the e-cig I delayed it for one hour today My new quit day is now Feb 8th . I have to say that just 1 and a half weeks of trying to quit my lungs are 90% better no more wheezing already and even though I caught a cold this week my coughing is less than without a cold !

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Hi Bonnie,I too have to change my quit date,it's now 1/31/15.I hate this,back and forth,back and forh.I read about the others that have quit and I think,what's wrong with me why can't I never smoke a cig again and all kinds of other beat me up stuff.I do so well and bam its on again.I bought an ecig and was wondering do they help so now I think I will use it to get me through the rough times,I learned so much this time-mostly that I can go without smoking so I'm just going to jump back on the wagon,please pray for me.

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I am smoke-free for more than three years now thanks to vaping. I think it works much better if you find a flavor that you really like and a nicotine level that is high enough to help with the cravings. Vape shops that only sell vaping products are a great place to go and try new flavors and get some quality advice.

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Can anyone tell me which over the counter e-cig do they prefer??? I've tried Blu and did not find it very good.... My son bought me a vapor thingie..but do not like its too big and you have to hold a button down.. I need one to taste like Marlbough Menthol lights!!  Ready to quit and know that will comfort me knowing I have something to replace the cigs...



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I tried the e-cig before and didn't like it. I quit cold turkey with the help of this site and was relieved of nicotine addiction and the cravings but after 50 days, I still had the urge to smoke not because of cravings or wanting nicotine, but because of the habit of smoking. The habit of smoking when I wake up, eat, drive , or get upset or bored. I started vaporing with zero mgs. of nicotine liquid and am doing fantastically.  

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I'm rounding my 48 hr. since stopping cigs. I'm using digital vapor cig. I have to say that, my mind set and will power is very high. I've smoked since what seems, like since Jesus was a baby.

Finally at 52 after waking up to a huge burn in my mattress, it seemed like an all time low. The ecigs have been very helpful, if nothing else, it fill that need to have something in my hand. Not sure if that's normal but it's working really well. Yesterday was an exceptionally harsh day... (not But I got through it. Best wishes to everyone who is on this train of what seems Looking forward to being smoke free.

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I'm using patches + the ecig to get me over the most intense cravings. I'm on day 4 and am pleasantly surprised how smooth it's going so far. I use the ecig about 6-7 times per day so far. I still have a long way to go and I know this approach is a little unorthodox but for me it beats lighting a real cigarette. 

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Ive been using the Vape USA for  month. I ll smoke it like a real cig. and put it down for a while then pick it back up about an hour or so like a regular cig. Is this how your suppose to use them? Is this better then reg. cigs? 

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