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Give and get support around quitting


Driving past the Tobacco Shop

Hi All. I just started quitting, again. Well, that's not accurate. I've been "trying" and wanting to quit for quite some time. I'm going to be working on rethinking my first morning smoke, which happens in the car on the way to work. I have a nicotine inhaler and some gum and I am wondering if that sort of defetes the purpose of trying to ReThink. Don't I have to just get to work with out the drug? Change the pattern? I'm not sure here.  I haven't set a quit date yet but will be changing the first smoke and keeping track of my triggers.  Any advice: Appreciated.

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2 Replies

Mornings are tough for me. I am going to wait 30 minutes after waking up to light up. I will eat a healthy breakfast of fresh fruit and enjoy a cup of coffee without out the cigarette and see how it feels after a week. I bet I will enjoy the breakfast more than my first cigarette. The cigarette is a compulsion and addiction. The breakfast would be healthy living. I choose the latter. By the way I just started to quit too.

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It's really tuff in the mornings, especially when it's a habit to light up as soon as you enter the car.....or as soon as you have that cup of coffee, my help is shaking the thought off of my mind, keeping busy, making u turns, (((in my mind, not in the car))) and trying not to do common things as I did when I was smoking, tday is my third day non smoking, but I have tried quitting many times before, and shaking the thought outta my mind seems to help amongs other things....good luck to ya!!!! and congrats in just being here...this means you all care and want to do something to the fact of quitting...

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