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Drinking and roommates who smoke

Hi, I've been smoking for less than a year, like 10 months. I want to quit because I've told myself so many times I can stop whenever I want, but when I try it lasts a few days and whenever I'm drinking it's just like, "ah fuck it, I'm drunk, it doesn't count."

I'm moving to a new place this weekend and living with smokers who smoke in the house. They've been smoking for years and are not planning on quitting anytime soon.

I need advice on how to deal with living with smokers, and just dealing with urges when drinking.

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2 Replies

This place you're moving you have your own room? If you do, make it a "no smoking zone".

Drinking is one of my triggers...and I was being tested on my 7th day. I went out with friends for drinks. Before quitting, I could chug down a few drinks and smoke half a pack in an hour or so...This time, I had one drink and food. And I drank that one very, very slowly! When my smoker friend went outside to smoke, I sat on my hands (almost literally!) and slowly ate my fries and slowly drank my one drink. It was a very difficult situation but it didn't kill me NOT to smoke. I don't plan on getting drinks very often anymore - at least until I'm much more comfortable with my quit. You do what you have to do to keep up your quit. Everyone keeps telling me "SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION"...I will continue to repeat it over and over because there are always weak moments...and I don't want to fall because I don't want to reset my counter! Yeah, that sounds kinda dumb but it's working for find what works for you!

Best of luck to you!!
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Thanks a lot, great advice indeed. I really appreciate the support.
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