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Does it ever go away?????

Hi, my name is Carrie, Ive been smoke free now for a month, on the patch. I tried the patch before,and failed after coming off, along with many other quit attemps. I was just wondering if the cravings ever go away? I was reading the box to the Nicoderm that Im using last night and it said that may cravings should be weaker now then they were the first few days, well, I must be backwards because I want one more now then I did at the beginning. Whats up with that???!!! Im not expecting it to go away completely, but atleast not get WORSE! Please someone whos further ahead of me ...give me hope!!!!
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4 Replies

Hello Carrie,
I have not yet quit smoking as my date is May 22 but I have cut down from 30 a day to six a day and staying strong with that. I am going to use the patch and hope it works well for me. Somedays I find that I do not have a craving for hours(3 or 4) and then other days it seems that I have a craving every 10 minutes. When that happens I just usually go with it and then get up and do something or get on this website. I am having a craving as I type this message and I will stay on the website untill it goes away and I have to tackle another one. But I will say no matter how bad I want to give in when I tell myself no I feel so empowered that I was able to do it and not go out on my deck and smoke. So keep up the great work. I have to believe that it does get better with time or none of us could do it. It really helps to talk to others that have been smoke free for a while and listen to what worked for them. Good luck!!! Smile at yourself and be proud of yourself as well.
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Thanks for the reassurance, I cant wait until I feel like cigs dont rule my life anymore!!!!
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Thanks Robin! Youre quiting on my 4th wedding anniversary, so I know itll be your lucky day 🙂 The patch has not let me down so far. I have had some crazy dreams with it on though, so I have to take it off before bed, or I just dont feel rested. ANywho, good luck to you... I know you can do it too!
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aloha carrie, yes they do go away, it seems like it takes forever when you are the one feeling the crave but they do get better. I used the patch and don't think I could of handled the craves without it. they are a bit like a steady stream of a certain dose, when you smoke and your body is used to your real smoking time table I think thats why sometimes you get a strong crave even on the patch. my theory anyway. I also felt a bit more of the craves when I stepped down a patch too. use the patch for the entire 3 months, take it slow and you will do this the patch really does make the craves easier to deal with. you are doing great hang in there
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