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Does Vaping help with not wanting a cigarette?

Does anyone here Vape? And how much does it help with not wanting a cigarette?

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66 Replies

You can do whatever you want. Helping people to remain addicts is not my idea of help. You have no idea what they may find in a few more years. Have you heard about vaping actually changing the DNA of cells yet?

I realize you are so set in your way that anything that disagrees with your links is junk science.

There's a huge increase in teens vaping much of it likely from people telling them they're safe


Is the e cig a form of smoking or not smoking?

It's all about safety. He's citing links from years ago. There are recent studies and symposiums from the past few months that say THEY STILL DON"T KNOW WHAT DAMAGE WILL BE DONE LONG TERM. 

You know why I call vaping "smoking with a battery? BECAUSE YOU DON'T UNLEARN A DAMN THING.

What intervention has never understood is you don't give up smoking, you unlearn it.


And if you continue to vape, you are still an addict.  If you don't mind jonesing for a fix out to dinner with friends, or in an airport or train station, and during the conveyance, or at a movie or show..........then by all means, don't let us rain on your parade.

ME?  I'd rather be free!

Really free!

One more thing. It doesn't take any effort at all to tell someone to vape. NONE