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Give and get support around quitting


Do you think I quit to fast?

I just woke up this morning ready to quit, mainly because of my husband having to go to Portland for chemo treatments and he can't stand the smell anymore either, so instead of setting a date I just decided to smoke my last cig before we left this morning and put a patch on and left!! Do you think I have a chance now or should I just set a date for later this month as my quit date? I haven't really felt the need for a smoke yet since the kids got out of school at 3:30. Maybe I am ready? What do you guys think?
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2 Replies


Do it now. Be strong, be committed and get through these first four days. If you wait, it will be just as hard, if not more difficult. Rescheduling will give you time to chicken out of your quit day. No more cigs, not even one. You can do this. You have this entire community cheering you on.

Good luck
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I can't tell you whether you quit too fast or not. Only you can know that. But hey, you had the perfect opportunity and it seemed like perfect timing! I wanted to quit sooner than my quit date too, but I waited it seemed like forever....but now the day is tomorrow and I am a little nervous. But more excited than nervous. Carol the first few days I hear are the hardest. Include the kids in what you are doing. Get support any where you can. I wish you the best and all you quitters are definitely in my prayers. We have everything to gain. You are giving you, yourself and kids a wonderful Mothers Day gift a little early! All the best to you Carol, you CAN do this. God Bless, Lily
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